Chapter 432 Sarah wanted a baby

A second before she came out, Edgar concealed his figure in advance and did not appear in front of her.

Sarah noticed it, but she did not show it. She just sent Eve back to the ward together with the nurses.

Eve had a normal delivery.

The nurses gave instructions and took the baby here, then they left.

Sarah had never given birth to a child, and did not know what it was like. She only saw the netizen described that it was very painful, so painful that they doubted they could not bear.

“How are you?” Asked Sarah.

“I’m okay.” Eve was just a little weak, her eyes fell on the child next to her. “It was painful before I gave birth, so painful that I swore I would never give birth again, but now I think it’s all worth it.”

Sarah glanced at the baby.

It was crumpled.

A little ugly…….

“Do you think she’s ugly?” Eve quipped, as she was aware of Sarah’s face obsession.

Sarah felt a little guilty. “It’s okay.”

“Most of the newly born children look like this, it will be fine after they growing several days.” Eve smiled, the bottom of her eyes had satisfaction and compassion for the child, “Babies grow quickly.” “Do you want to hug?” Eve asked, as she saw her itch to try.

Sarah pursed her lips, “Can I?”

“Of course you can.” Eve lost her smile.

Sarah held her breath and slowed down her breathing and movements, then she carefully held the child in her arms.

She didn’t know why, she just felt the baby was crumpled and ugly, but when she felt the little one in her arms, her unconsciously had an affection for her.

So tiny…

“Do you want one?” Eve noticed the look on her face.

Sarah glanced at her and nodded after a brief thought, “Yes.”

She didn’t feel much before, but at this moment, staring at the tiny

one in her arms, she just felt that life was so amazing.

to sleep after

the time. The company’s affairs were all given to Sivan to deal with, she did not have to worry too

knew that she liked performing industry, so she also arranged a special postnatal repair



saw the fully equipped, luxurious and comfortable care center, she knew this place was very

before she

the whole month here. Sarah was here with her

her to handle some things, so

the child’s registered permanent

helped her

October, while her official

In a flash.

A month has passed.

day to the next, and now she

care center for more than

to take her

they left the care center, they saw

stood eye to

was to

leave her alone, then he

“Edgar.” Eve called him.

felt his feet were like being filled with lead that

didn’t know what was wrong

child, or the psychological counselling in the

her?” Eve took the initiative to say this in

be here. Unless… He

was a little worried about her, “Eve…

better frame of mind, “After all,

Her childhood was unhappy.

she hoped that her

the role of the father could

and he turned around with

Eve’s face. He moved his lips

the pair of eyes that were extremely

After a long while.

did he ask in a dark voice,

have the right to see her.” Eve was now thinking more about the child, she suddenly seemed to care less about herself, “Of

“I’d like to!”

Edgar quickly blurted out.

heavy step and stopped a step away

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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