Don't Try to Escape, My Wife!

Chapter 324 I'll Listen to You

At first, Samuel still tried to comfort Nicole. But she got consumed in her own grief. Samuel could not help but sigh and let her cry.

The doctor also said that being depressed was not good for her after her miscarriage.

After crying for quite a while, Nicole finally calmed down.

Her shoulders trembled and her nose turned red, making her look so pitiful.

Samuel took the napkin and carefully wiped her tears. He said softly, "Vincent has returned. I've asked him to take charge of the company. When you recover, I'll take you and our children on a trip. We can stop caring about everything here. We can live our own lives."

Nicole was shocked.


"Of course. Vincent is very capable. He can handle the Night Elf Empire and the Eternal Group very well at the same time. Besides, Mom will help him. It will be fine. Zoe has never traveled around for so many years. Just think about our children. Let's take them out for a trip and see the world. And we can relax too."

Samuel's words were too tempting.

This has been Nicole's dream.

When she married Samuel, she had hoped that Samuel would take her along with him when he went abroad for business. Then she could travel around. Now that she heard that Samuel had left the company to Samuel, she was very happy.

"Alright, I'll listen to you!"

"Then take good care of yourself. Audrey has come when you were unconscious. Then she went back to make some food for you. And you should have some even if you have no appetite. I know that you are in a bad mood. But for me and our kids, you should get better, okay?"

Samuel tucked her hair behind her ear. He looked so gentle, attracting Nicole to indulge in his blandness.

If they could unload their burden and didn't care about anything, they would be able to travel around like a loving and happy couple. How could she not yearn for such a day?

Nicole knew that everything Samuel did was for her. He wanted her to leave this sad place and forget that unborn child.

This man had concealed his sorrow and tried his best to comfort her. She shouldn't drown in her sadness.

That innocent child was also Samuel's kid!

"It's up to you!"

Nicole was like a docile little sheep now, but it made people take pity on her.

Samuel helped her lie down and whispered, "You should sleep for a while. You don't look well now. And you need to rest more. I'll wake you up for dinner when Audrey comes."

"Will you leave?"

like a

they needed most at this time was the company of



let him hold it tightly and then closed

was exhausted because of her injuries. Not long after, she

by her side

evening, Audrey came over with some food,

taking care of Nicole so carefully, he subconsciously stopped. He was afraid that the sound

come out. We need

Jason whispered.

at Audrey and left Nicole to her. Then he

the ward, they stood

cigarette and

is not feeling well. She can't

that, Jason put out

"Is Nicole alright?"

anxious than anyone else. He had some special feelings for Nicole, and he just

needs to rest. I have agreed with Nicole that when she gets better, I will take her

Jason's hand shook slightly.


prepared for all those things. Just because she loved me, she married me and took over the duties. She did not know how dark the Greens are. She did not know that the Greens would make her suffer so much. And she could not have endured all of this. Eight years ago, I married her. We didn't have a honeymoon or live a sweet life. In the first three years, she gave everything and got nothing in return. Then she almost died in a big fire. Now that she came back for me after five years, she still hasn't lived the life she wanted. How many eight years do people have in their lives? But Nicole has been together with me for eight years. What did I give her? Only our children. And she brought them up alone. I didn't give her anything good. So, I'm going to take her out for a trip. We can go

a normal voice, but Jason didn't know

are you

Maybe one or two years, or

He realized that it had been a long time since he had appreciated the scenery outside because of

went in a hurry. Because he had been alone, he never did any sightseeing

Nicole and their children would stay with him for the rest of his life, he felt that nothing mattered to

need to deal with Nicole's

I thought you had

out a cigarette and smelled it. Then he just

Only then will they confirm that Nicole is a Don. However, this process will take some time.

"Nicole's birthday is coming."

words surprised

going to throw a birthday

to celebrate it together. I was considering proposing to her on her birthday, so that everyone in the Seapolis City would know that she is my wife. Whether in the past or in future, she is my only partner. But you know, after this incident, she's too

told Jason his

eyes twinkled as he whispered, "You can do that after she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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