Don't Try to Escape, My Wife!

Chapter 325 Samuel's Wife Was Indeed Not an Ordinary Person

"Who is it?"

Samuel said sharply in a low voice.

The figure suddenly trembled and the face went pale with fear. She wanted to turn around and escape, but Samuel grabbed her by the collar.

"Mr. Green, I'm sorry. I'm just here to see Mrs. Green."

Petty looked at Samuel in panic, not daring to move.

Samuel did not expect it to be Petty.

In his impression, Petty and Nicole didn't get along with each other. He suddenly saw her like this, so he was somewhat surprised.

"You came to see Nicole?"


In fact, Petty hesitated before coming.

In the past, she really didn't like Nicole. She felt that there was nothing special about her. Why did Samuel treat her so well?

Moreover, Zama was also cornering her. For Zac's sake, she had to pick a side.

However, she was greatly touched by Nicole in these days.

To her surprise, Nicole went into Zama's trap for her. Nicole clearly knew that Zama was only using her as bait, but she still came.

What's more, Nicole even wanted to protect her later.

Petty suddenly felt guilty and she couldn't help but blame herself. She couldn't get over it especially when she saw that Nicole had miscarried because of her.

She was also a woman. She had once conceived a child for Zac, but she had a miscarriage because of her health problem.

She could totally understand the pain of a woman losing her baby. All this was because she was too careless and was caught by Zama. She was responsible for what happened to Nicole.

Petty felt very guilty.

Samuel looked at Petty, who was covered in bruises. How could anyone know she once was an energetic and active girl?

This time, it wasn't just Nicole who changed, Petty did too.

Samuel let go of her and whispered, "Nicole is too weak to see anyone now. You are also injured. Go back and have a good rest. The Green family will pay for everything. Come and see Nicole when you are better. I will send someone to fetch Zac later to keep you company."

After the miscarriage of Nicole, Samuel suddenly realized that no matter how strong and capable a woman looked, she still needed the person she loved the most to be by her side when she was fragile. Only in this way could she feel secure.

This might explain why he suddenly thought of Zac when he saw Petty, so he made the offer without thinking.

Petty was shocked and she found it hard to believe.

"Mr. Green, what did you say? Who will keep me company?"


Seeing the excited tears in Petty's eyes, Samuel could not help but soften his voice and say, "I promised Nicole that as long as you cooperated, I would send you and Zac away whether the mission succeeded or not. I would give you a sum of money so that you could live a carefree life later on. Although you haven't helped much, you've done your best. I will not go back on what Nicole has promised you earlier. You return and have a good rest. I will have someone bring Zac over to you. "

"Thank you, Mr. Green! Thank you!"

and tears of regret instantly rolled

do bad things. Now I'm like this, Mrs. Green is still desperate to save me. Her kindness made me feel ashamed and embarrassed. Not only did you not blame

was the first time Samuel saw

would not shed tears even if she was bullied by others. He

kneel down like

out and

Nicole to get better


Samuel nodded.

the ward before turning around and leaving

didn’t do things as

to the Green family from the orphanage when he was young. After he educated and cultivated them for so many years, they did

her own charm, she made a

enough, people couldn't be

was really not an

pushed open the door of

awake. Audrey was trying to persuade her to eat something, but Nicole obviously

"Let me do it."

coat and casually threw it on the sofa. Then,

good care of yourself? Why

harsh, and it

know why,

watery eyes at Samuel. Her eyes

up eating the broth if she was so uncomfortable, but he soon took control

You're still weak from the miscarriage. The broth that Minister Shaw made for you is not greasy, isn't it? Look, I know you can't eat it all at one go. Just have a little at a time. Let's

acted as if he was indulging a child. Watching all this, Audrey felt

she was simply a


couldn't help but cough

did Nicole realize that there were other people in the room, and a flush

"I'll eat it myself."

the bowl in

You're still weak. I'll feed you. Open your

broth and blew it slightly. Then, he handed it

her face was burning. She could not refuse but open her mouth and take

semi-liquid food now. After two days when you are getting better, you can eat some normal food. No matter what Minister Shaw cooked, you should eat some. Now it is the time for you to take in the nourishment. Don't

while feeding

felt that she really couldn't

see what they are doing outside.

hurriedly turned

at Samuel who was utterly

"What's the matter?"

"It's all your fault!"


"What have I done?"

was still in

like I was a child. Mom was still

her lower

then did Samuel understand

She's your mother. Seeing me being nice to you, she was sure to feel relieved. Besides, I didn't think too much just now. I just wanted you to eat. How could I think

said that I could eat by

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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