Don't Try to Escape, My Wife!

Chapter 382 He Found Her Dirty

Nude photos of her were all over the Internet. Whoever released these must have hated her, because her face in every photo was not covered by mosaic. Most importantly, the men in them were different.

"Nicole from the Greens is ungraceful. Her photos are hard to look at."

This title made Nicole panic.

How could this be?

Who would have her nude photos?

Nicole couldn't put her finger on it and was on edge.

This meant she was naked in front of the whole country.

No matter how courageous she was, she could not bear this.

Did Samuel know?

He was having a video conference. What would those executives think if they saw the photos?

They just had had a sweet moment, but now it was like a dagger deep into Nicole's heart.

She quickly pushed the computer away and ran to the study in panic.

Samuel's video conference was over, and he was currently on the phone with Blair. They were having a good time, so Samuel did not notice Nicole.

"Blair, the medicine you prescribed for me had better be useful. Otherwise, if I can't get hard for real, I'll kill you."

Samuel said half-threateningly.

Blair smiled and said, "You can't get hard? Stop joking. That medicine can only last for a month at most. You will feel weak this month, but you can get better after that. However, you can't always hide from your wife like this. Are you planning on wasting this yummy beauty?"

"Screw you. It's none of your business."

Nicole's heart skipped a beat.

What did he mean?

Samuel wasn't sick at all?

He was avoiding touching her on purpose?

Moreover, he was this way because of Blair's medicine?


Why would he do that?

Nicole clenched her hands together, feeling as if she had been thrown into an ice cellar.

She couldn't figure it out.

Why would a healthy man wanted to be sexually incompetent? Was he tired of her? Or was there something else to it?

She wanted to leave, but her feet seemed to have taken root, and she could not move at all.

Blair did not know about Samuel's situation, saying with a smile, "Fine. I don't want to worry. However, the news of you and the Louis guy fighting on the streets has spread to Capital City! What? Do you have a grudge against the Louis family? As you know, although they are businessmen, they had political connections in Capital City. If you guys are falling out, you will meet with difficulties dealing matters in Capital City. You should take care of this."

Speaking of Tim, Samuel was irritated.

have connections in Capital City, I would cripple him

is it? What can make you so angry that you want to throw your hat into the

not for you to

and Blair reminded Nicole

Tim in the street. She knew about

said that Tim had something against her. What

it be

why would Samuel be so

struck Nicole that Samuel

believed Samuel when he said that he couldn't get hard. As it turned out, he did that on

Was that so?

talk and affection these

Nicole felt it unbearable.

then ran


figure out what was

on some makeup and covered her face before taking a taxi

and excited to

brings you here? Why do you have the time to

sentence, Nicole grabbed his collar and fiercely asked, "Tell me. Why did Samuel fight with

know. He was

and tried to

this, so

as Samuel, I'm not someone to be pushed around. You should know this. If I don't get the answer

extremely frightening, and

what's wrong with you? Let's talk about this properly. Let

do you have about me? Why did Samuel fight you in

Nicole roared.

had never seen Nicole look so crazy before, so he was

place to investigate. I was wrongly accused. I don't know why your nude photos were on my phone. I don't know who called Olivia that day with my phone and asked her to come over. I'm even more confused about what happened afterwards. I know that no matter what I say, you won't believe me. You all think I am excusing myself, but what happened that day was like a dream to me. I also checked afterwards. My buddies never touched my phone. I really don't know who sent me your nude photos. You know

said everything he should and should not have


went to the clubhouse because you sent her

"You didn't know?"


make a mistake?

sat down on the floor like

it was. No wonder she refused to tell me why she went to the clubhouse. No wonder Samuel

to have lost her soul, which frightened

are you alright? I'll


the last person Nicole wanted to see


was it

then, why would he

how terrifyingly scheming

so well, and she had no clue at

love was real and nothing could shake it.

She had been doted on and thought she had the whole world. But it turned out it was all from her

became of

was thinking. But as a man, he must have cared about this. Otherwise, why would he rather take the medicine

He disliked her!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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