Don't Try to Escape, My Wife!

Chapter 383 The Greens Won't Give up

Who resented her so much and framed her?

Nicole couldn't figure it out. And it wasn't the right time to think about it.

She looked at Tim and said coldly, "Do you still view me as your friend? Or do you despise me as well?"

"No. I believe those are not your nude photos. I believe you. You're not that kind of person."

Tim looked at Nicole and suddenly felt distressed.

This was the first time he had seen Nicole being helpless. No matter what happened to her, Nicole used to be positive. He finally realized that Nicole was a woman. In the face of such things, she was upset.

He wanted to hug Nicole and comfort her, but he didn't dare to do so. He was not qualified to do that. If he did it today, perhaps Nicole would never forgive him.

Tim looked at Nicole with great care.

Nicole thought for a moment and said, "Can you help me? I need a hide for a few days. Don't let anyone else knows where I am."

"What about Samuel?"

"Especially don't let him know. I don't want to see him recently."

Hearing Nicole's words, Tim tried to say something. But he controlled himself when seeing Nicole's expression.

For now, he was still in Nicole's confidence. As she asked help from him, it was obvious that she had run out of road.

Tim felt miserable. He nodded and said, "I have an advice. But the place is in a dodgy area. There are all sorts of people in the area. Generally, others wouldn't expect you to be there."

"I see."

She no longer had an alternative in the matter.

What Nicole wanted was to hide from Samuel.

The last person she wanted to see right now was Samuel.

Tim hurriedly nodded and said, "Shall we go now or later?"

"Let's go now."

Nicole couldn't wait any longer.

She couldn't go back to the Green's, as there were probably a lot of journalists around.

Thinking of Laurel, who cared for her, Nicole was ashamed of disgracing her. She had to leave the Greens to prevent them from being disgraced because of her.

On Nicole's birthday, Samuel had proposed to her. Everyone in the Seapolis City knew it. And Laurel was responsible for their wedding. Nicole used to feel so happy, but now she felt so embarrassed.

Nicole stood up from the floor. She looked at Tim and asked, "Do you have a printer?"


"I need it."

Tim was afraid that Nicole would hurt herself, so he did everything as she required.

was confused about what was

he ignored it. His mind was

and started to write a

shocked at the

what are you doing? Why don't you calm down and solve the problem? You don't need

you afraid that Samuel

voice. She

charming, but she

Tim suddenly felt bitter.

Nicole had never changed. Although she would be with Samuel happily instead of being by his side, he didn't want to see

doesn't dare to hurt me. I'm worried about you. Nicole, difficulties are common


to tremble from

photos have been spread online. I guess everyone in the Seapolis City has seen them, and they despise me. If I don't divorce Samuel, I will bring

surprised at

is that possible? Samuel has deleted the photos. How can they be spread online?

I know, I will

as an angry

continue, Nicole had started to write the divorce

finish talking with Blair, he had another call coming in. It was


You've worked for me for so long. Why can't you

a joke with Jacob. After finishing talking with Blair, he stretched

anxiously, "Mr. Green, quickly turn on the computer.

"What happened?"

computer. He narrowed his eyes when he saw the news pop

keep an

no longer maintain

been keeping an eye on the media.

Hurry up and go

Samuel hurriedly hung up.

Where was Nicole?

see the


made a rush for the bedroom, but Nicole was not there. As the computer was on, Samuel realized

What should he do?

Where was Nicole?

Samuel panicked.

put on his coat and

soon as he went downstairs, he met Laurel, who looked

on? How could this happen? Where's Nicole? How is she? She is a woman. I'm afraid that she

her words, Samuel

study and didn't notice her. I also don't

her! Because of the photos, everyone knows her. I'm worried about her

she got

nervous as

for her immediately. What about my

me. Hurry

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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