Chapter 300 Natural and Man-made Disasters

Jean kept running forward until she reached a corner where there was no one. She covered her face and wept helplessly. Tears covered her entire face at that moment. “Daddy…”

“Why? Why?” Mr. Jevin had told her that the person in charge of purchasing the construction materials was Sam Reece, and not her father.

But when the incident happened, her father was punished as he was the person in charge. He was instructed to bear all the consequences and responsibilities.

Ethan’s insurance was handled by her father too. In other words, her father had long known about Edgar.

It turned out that Edgar had married her for that purpose. The only people he had in mind when he saw her was his father’s death, and the only feelings he had for her were just hatred and exertion.

But she had married him eagerly. Jean cried until she could not move.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of rustling footsteps behind her. Just as she wanted to turn around to look, a hand covered her mouth. “Don’t make any noise. Or else……”

She could feel a cold dagger against her waist. Jean nodded tremblingly. Then, she was taken into a van. Her head was covered with a black hood.

She had never heard this person’s voice. Jean suddenly remembered about the missing driver. He had hidden somewhere quietly for two days. He must be either a local or was working with someone in the village. So he knew where to hide and had someone to cover up for him.

“Don’t blame me. I’m paid to kill you. I’m just doing them a favor and earning some money for myself.”

For a moment, Jean gave up the idea of struggling. She did not even think of running away.

Where could she run to?

Could she really help Edgar take revenge?

When the man saw Jean so obedient, he sneered. “What a pity. You are quite pretty.”

He whistled and stepped onto the accelerator.

The road was muddy. It made the journey bumpy.

Jean was about to pass out from carsickness when she suddenly heard the man talking on the phone. “Don’t worry. As long as you do as you promised and transfer money to my account, the woman will never get out of this village alive. She will be dead.”

But the person at the other end of the phone did not seem satisfied.

on the ground. “Reece, don’t you dare play tricks


gap from the head cover

word Mr. Jevin had drawn on her palm just now was

who caused Edgar’s pain and hatred. He had also

the car. He was still bargaining on the phone with

would break free from the rope

when the sound of the car engine was heard did the abductor turn around.


away in

startled by the noise.

do? It seems like they have made a

He only took a sip of

and rubbed his hands

business if their

the driver made a mistake, it would startle his targets and

Sam felt regretful. He wouldn’t have done this

after experiencing both natural and man-made disasters. Well, my nephew is indeed not an ordinary person, isn’t he?” The man sitting opposite

instigated Sam to send a hitman to kill Jean and

Sam feared him.

Mr. Royden. I have done what I ought to do. I

to be his son-in-law. He couldn’t bear seeing

a project fund twenty years ago. And those costs

this for years. How could

he continue his business if it

too by the others. Sam

no other choice but to obey

expect Edbert to be so cruel, that he would resort to even

happy retired life later. Have you ever thought about what

Eyer, is a living example of what would

darkened after hearing Edbert’s

as he poured the tea. He suddenly frowned and begged Edbert, “I beg you. Please!

want Edgar to

for him to get Gary to help him cover his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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