Chapter 301 The Usual Trick

Jean was sitting in the van, grasping the steering wheel, gazing at the scared guy in front of the car. Cold sweat perspired on her palms while Gigi was being wheeled into the delivery room.

She wanted to teach this man a lesson right then and there. But she heard Edgar calling her. She got up quickly. She nearly unleashed all her frustrations and fury on that man.

“Get down first, it’s okay.” Edgar opened the car door and extended his hand to her. His eyes were deep as ever, yet they were filled with a gentleness that Jean found foreign to her.

She looked away and replied coldly, “If you can drive in, it means the road has been cleared. I want to leave.”

Now. “All right.” He didn’t stop her, but he did check the car’s fuel gauge. “However, even if you drive this car, you will not be able to return it. Get down first, and I’ll handle things.”

Tears welled in Jean’s eyes. “Why?”

She shook her head, and the tears streamed down her cheeks. “Why didn’t you inform me sooner? Marry me. Do you not experience grief and heartbreak?”

The pain she felt was knowing he would be miserable. Not her, but for himself. Will he be happy if he marries the daughter of his enemy?

No, he must be suffering day and night, and his heart will not feel good, thinking about how to take revenge every day…

Jean bit the corner of her lips. She really wanted to tell Edgar the truth of the matter! The enemy who killed both of them was Sam Reece.

But she couldn’t tell. Now Gigi was Edgar’s “iancée, and what she said ruined their lives again. It’s just that a lie can’t be concealed for a lifetime. Sooner or later, he will know how painful it will be for him.

Jean not only hated him but also loved him so much. Seeing her crying, Edgar’s eyes were full of distress. The thin lips opened and closed, and finally spit out a sentence, “I’m sorry.”

Jean shed tears in pain and shook her head in distress. They didn’t do anything wrong. What was wrong was the fate that ruled them…it was that vicious person.

When Edgar arranged for a car to take Jean back, they were sitting in the same car. Jean clearly heard the voice from Edgar’s phone.

“Royden, Gigi is about to give birth, hurry up and come back.” Winnie Campbell lowered her voice, not wanting Sam Reece to hear that she was tipping Edgar.

methods of

you come to the hospital

and the emotions between his brows became

looked at Jean again. She

a long

way back, Edgar made

Andy, and that the other party gave him a sum of money to

chance to

time, he would not be merciful,

found out that the leakage of the confidential documents inside the Royden Group was inextricably linked to Andy,

to give birth, she often went in and out of Edgar’s office, and Edgar didn’t have much defense

those materials and

of them cooperated internally and externally, and together they caused the

“Call the police.”

still made

He was hesitant about whether to tell

waiting to give birth

something like this happened, the fate between her and Edgar was

it?” Nathan asked, but he didn’t hear

then said, “I see, I will arrange it for you, but listen to me, after all,

in the distance with deep eyes and muttered to himself, “As long as

What if not?

Gigi gave birth, Edgar

asked the driver to take Jean back first, but when Jean was halfway there, he asked

I’d better send you back first. It’s against Mr. Royden’s wishes. It’s

looked out the window expressionlessly, “If you take me back, I will still take a taxi back, it’s better if

driver had no choice but to sigh

the delivery room, the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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