Chapter 331 Knew Him Too Well

Many became aware of Edgar’s hospitalization. Moreover, the doctor had said today that Edgar’s condition was unfavorable. Yet, given the current situation, Nathan actually showed up at that kind of place. As such, Jean reckoned something must be fishy. Even Susan was worried about Edgar and asked Jean to check in on him in the hospital. How would Nathan possibly disregard the situation?

Obviously, it was a trap. Jean’s train of thought straightened out as she arrived at a crossroads. It was very likely that Edgar’s incident in the village was staged in order to lure the mastermind out. However, given Jean’s understanding of Edgar, she reckoned his target might not be the mastermind only – it might involve Sam and Gigi.

Sam was a jerk, so Jean couldn’t care less about him, but what about Gigi? Jean shook her head and sighed in resignation. She couldn’t be bothered to think about them.

By the time she arrived home, it was almost dawn. After sending the picture of Quinn and Sam hugging each other in the airport to the reporters, she went to bed.

Within a few hours, the stock price of Reece Group plummeted. The wives of Reece Group’s collaboration partners forbade their husbands to work with someone like Sam.

Soon, Reece Group received dozens of contract termination letters.

Jean went for a ride in her car as she was in a good mood. There was a tournament today, so she drove to the venue.

It was a sunny day. She stood on the platform and observed the situation at the track.

Although Ben had announced his retirement, he would still participate in some tournaments as an amateur racer from time to time.

When he spotted Jean from afar, he raised his arm and waved at her.

When his fans on the platform saw their interaction, they lifted their phones and started capturing pictures of them.

“Wow, isn’t that the lady Dark Horse pursued before this? The match, which they previously partnered together, was amazing! But alas, Dark Horse retired in the middle of the tournament and didn’t win a Grand Slam.”

“That doesn’t matter at all! Dark Horse is now the bright star in the business circle – he’ll succeed in his career sooner or later.”

the audience applauded, Jean leaned against the chair and watched Ben’s performance quietly. From afar, a camera was capturing

not noticeable because many other spectators had

he did not wait

going to cause an uproar by coming over here.” Jean muttered. Some were

be more relaxed.

distance, his tone was calm yet genuine. “Jean, I’m so glad

time participating in a race, so he thought this farewell tournament was made

hat lower and turned to whisper to Ben. Thereafter, the two left from

notice it?” Frowning, Ben

long ago.” Jean closed the door and was finally relieved. “Could it be

blinding on the platform. Jean inadvertently noticed someone was taking candid photographs of her and

“That’s impossible!”

opened the locker and let out a

quickly turned away.

at her in silence for a moment. He was afraid this might be the last time

and said in a nonchalant

leave here?” Jean

smile. “There’s a pathway for authorized

were walking toward the car park from the rear door, Ben recalled something out of the blue. “I saw from the news that Edgar’s condition is unfavorable.” He put

“His brain was injured. He might turn out in a vegetative

Jean’s nonchalant attitude. “Aren’t

it was

door and seemed as if she had let

smiled before

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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