Chapter 332 I’ll Give You Another Chance

Nathan regained his composure and mumbled, “Could it be that it was Jean who exposed Sam’s mistress too?” Edgar nodded with a solemn look, but his tone was rather relaxed. “Possibly.”

“Try your best to get Jean back. Both of you are truly a perfect match. I bet you can’t find another person like her who knows you so well.”

Although Gigi had been clinging onto Edgar all these years, she was clueless about Edgar’s preference and couldn’t fit into his circle. On the other hand, Jean was different. She could even discern the complicated situation and share the same opinion with Edgar coincidentally.

Edgar’s eyes turned dull. He fidgeted his fingers and muttered, “I hope so too, but I’m afraid I’ve lost the chance.” Just then, the sound of footsteps came forth from the outside. Nathan stood up immediately.

When the door was opened, Edbert appeared at the entrance. “Hi, Mr. Edbert.” Nathan greeted Edbert with a nod. Edbert looked at Edgar who was lying on the bed, and sighed in distress, “I wonder when he will come around…”

“Yeah, the doctor said…” Nathan couldn’t bear to hide the truth from Edbert, seeing his worried look, but he was at a loss for words.

Suddenly, Gigi ran into the ward with a consent form and cried, “The doctor said Edgar needs brain surgery. What are we going to do?”

Nathan was shocked. Brain surgery? Did we cross the line this time? I’ve never discussed this with the doctors about this ‘treatment’. Edgar is totally normal. If he undergoes this surgery, the consequences will be unpredictable.

Nathan freaked out and was at a loss. Edbert, too, wore a shocked look. He secretly observed Nathan and only averted his gaze after perceiving his concerned expression.

Then, he attempted to comfort Gigi. “The doctor must have made this decision after careful consideration. We have to trust their judgment. Let’s get him to arrange the surgery as soon as possible. We have to try every method that can possibly save Edgar.”

“No way! I don’t agree!” Gigi squealed. “The doctor said that Edgar might not be able to come around if the surgery fails!” If that happens, I’m going to be a widow!

commotion in the ward alerted the director

as the patient’s family, but this is the best treatment option at this moment. Indeed, there are risks involved. However, the patient might never be

dies in

the call. “Please proceed with

hours later, Edgar was pushed into the operating

door and entered the operating room. In fact, the hospital had informed Nathan beforehand. This treatment plan was just a show for the outsiders, while Jean

room and left, she took a syringe and walked to the side of

I’ll now

mask sounded different. By the time Edgar recognized

grasped Jean’s wrist instantly.

exposed her smirk. “Shouldn’t you be more

Edgar frowned.

still in its testing phase, so I’m not

her hand from Edgar’s grip. “Should I call Gigi and the

the table and

was careless and had

asked, “Aren’t you worried at all if the

relief to die in your

when she heard that. Her brows remained knitted while the words

to die in your hands.” Edgar hummed in a deep, affectionate

on the operating table. “I recorded the conversation just now. Guess how interesting things will become if

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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