Chapter 26

Olivia was dumbfounded. His words struck a chord within her.

Ethan was the best example of it. He used to dote on her endlessly, but now he was extremely cruel to her. She couldn’t say he had changed. Instead, he was just showing her a different side of him.

Since Ethan was like that, Jeff could be too.

Olivia countered weakly, “Well, no matter what happened, he wouldn’t… kill someone.”

Ethan’s finger gently brushed Olivia’s cheek. He spoke gently as if he was still her lover, but his eyes were devoid of any tenderness.

Did you also think that I

never change until she saw him holding Marina

child, and he didn’t want to give Leia a home. The first three months are the best time for an abortion. On that fateful day, they had another argument. He accidentally killed Leia, but he soon threw her body into the

grip on her chin

ended up like this. Do you know how tragic her death was? If it wasn’t for the DNA we left behind in the database, I wouldn’t even be

afraid that Ethan, who seemed to

lost in his thoughts. “For countless times over the years, I have imagined reuniting with her. But never had I imagined that we would meet again under such circumstances. Liv, have you seen what a body looks like when it’s soaked in seawater for half

from Eugenia how much he had doted on his sister. He had never given up on searching for

was reunited with his sister at the morgue. He had someone he cared

had someone

can you

changed, shifting from sorrow to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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