The wind blew bitingly cold on her face. Olivia was frozen to the core, but she pushed herself up and continued chasing after the car.

She overestimated the current condition of her body and only ran for a couple of feet before crashing back to the ground.

The car door opened. She saw a pair of shiny, tailored leather shoes halt before her. Slowly, she moved her sight from the shoes and up the trousers until she met Ethan’s cold and unnerving gaze.

“Ethan …” Olivia muttered weakly.

A pair of slender hands reached out to her. In a trance, Olivia thought she caught a glimpse of the young man she had fallen head over heels for all those years back. She could not help but stretch out her hands to him.

Just as their hands touched, Ethan pulled back, extinguishing the light in her after giving her false hope and causing her to fall once more.

She had not injured herself before this, but when she slipped this time, she cut her palms on the pieces of shattered glass on the ground. Blood started trickling down her palms to her arms.

A shadow seemed to flit across Ethan’s face, but he stayed motionless.

Olivia was stunned. Back then, he would rush her to the hospital in the middle of the night even though she merely had a cut on her finger.

She remembered the doctor chuckling and saying, “Thank goodness he brought you here in time. Otherwise, your wound would’ve healed on its own.”

The man before her and the one in her memories were the same person. He had the same eyes and face. Looking back, she realized that the concern he once showed for her was nowhere to be seen, replaced by a shade of icy indifference.

In a cold voice, Ethan said, “Olivia, do you really think that I don’t know you? You could easily run a mile and do a somersault. Do you expect me to believe you’d fall after running just a couple of steps?”

He stared at her, the mockery in his eyes like a knife cutting through her.

Olivia bit her lip and tried to explain. “It’s not like that. I’m not lying to you. I’m just a little weak because I’m sick—”

tilted her face upward to face him. His rough fingers brushed

your father’s daughter. You two are pretentious to the extreme and would put on a stupid act just for some

stung more than the cold wind, and they stabbed at her heart repeatedly. She swatted his hand away from

He would never

no longer wanted to discuss this matter with Olivia and plucked a check from his wallet instead. He carelessly wrote on the check, held it in between two fingers, and placed

you want this?”

her father’s medical

whispered in her ear. “This

her hand shot

Olivia struggled against him, she left a bloody

became harsher. “Oh? You don’t want to do it? He’ll have to die in the hospital then. I’ve already picked a burial spot for him

streamed down Olivia’s face as she asked, “Why did

to protect her and cherish her for the rest of her life was long gone, replaced by a ruthless

post illuminated his face, further emphasizing his annoyance and

not going to say it, right?” He released his grasp on her and slowly tore

to stop him, but he shoved her away and told her in a tone

just like the

as her tears continued to flow. She looked like a child who had lost everything she valued,

just when he was about to get in his car, he heard a thud. He turned around to see

anxious look on his face as he asked, “Mr. Miller, Mrs. Miller’s passed out. Should we

he looked at Kelvin. “Are you worried

had been working for Ethan for a

Miller had been head over heels for Mrs. Miller in the past,

was his employer’s family matter, so he dared not probe further. He simply drove

mirror and found that she still had not gotten up. The look of disdain on

acting had improved in just a few

sheltered life, Jeff had Olivia participate in various fitness programs since she was young to prevent her from being a target of bullying. She had a black belt in Taekwondo and was an expert in

was no way someone as fit and healthy as her would faint so often like

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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