Thankfully, Olivia did not fall over because Kelvin pulled her at the last minute. She noticed Ethan standing not far away, apathetic.

He was unconcerned about her condition. But again, he might have mistaken her action as an attempt to gain his pity. Given his hatred toward her, she wouldn’t expect him to care.

It was Kelvin who inquired with concern, “Mrs. Miller, are you okay?”

“I’m fine. It’s probably low blood sugar.” Olivia hurriedly made up an excuse before following behind Ethan.

The garden was covered in white after a night of snowing. The housekeepers were nowhere to be found, so no one was there to clear the snow.

The short walk from the car to the house made her pant. Fighting against the wind and snow, Olivia craved the warmth indoors.

Ethan stood by the door with a smirk on his face. “I have to give it to you. Your acting has improved.”

Back then, in order to keep him by her side, Olivia had used up all ideas, including crying and throwing threats, which she never thought she’d resort to.

She felt the irony in Ethan’s remark, but instead of explaining herself, she chuckled. “Thanks.”

She coldly walked around him to get indoors and immediately felt better, thanks to the warmth. Taking off the thick padded jacket, she poured herself a glass of water and leaned softly into the couch.

you getting a divorce

a divorce. You

sat there with a calm look on her face while

seventh day after my preterm birth. Your urgency puzzled me for a while, but I finally got it after I came across that kid who looked like you. You wanted to leave me as

by reminding myself of how good you had treated me in the past. I thought keeping a woman was just a phase you were going through and that I would always be

you had an affair because I wasn’t good enough. So, I was ready to change for you, and I was willing to overlook your mistakes. Come to think of it now, I was an utter idiot. When you were enjoying family time with another woman and your kids,

why I’m letting

tears sliding down her cheeks. She stopped in

as though he was a strict homeroom teacher who’d fly into

he only reserved his coldness toward outsiders and treated her with tenderness. Before she knew it,

spoke with a rare despair,

plea, and he noted the exhaustion in her expression, just like a solid dam that had given way after many years of enduring the raging waters. It crumbled into pieces, falling

than staying one’s ground. No one knew how

revenge and also to legalize

on him after a year. “Giving up on you? Dream on! You will be staying

tears dripped onto Ethan’s face, which made him affected by her sadness. Frustrated, he took out his phone and showed

touch with him, his family will meet the

jerk! You should’ve come at

wanted to slap him, but he grabbed her wrist. With a nasty look in his eyes, he growled, “You sure care a lot for him.

…” Before Olivia could say a thing, she was scooped into Ethan’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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