Chapter 30

Olivia and Ethan couldn’t avoid reality forever. Hence, Ethan had decided to completely give up on her.

However, Olivia had also made her own decision. Olivia smiled gently at Erent and said, “I’m sorry, please tell Mr. Miller that I Tegret f.”

Brent couldn’t understand them. At first, Ethan was determined to divorce, then it was Olivia. Now that Ethan agreed, Olivia changed her mind again.

What game were they playing?

If it were Kelvin, he would have started complaining long ago, but Brent’s expression remained unchanged. With business- like composure, he answered, “I’m sorry, Mrs. Miller. I can’t make the final decision. I hope that you will come with me.”

“I won’t make things difficult for you. Let’s go,” Olivia answered.

She had already anticipated that. Hence, she wrapped herself tightly in a scarf before following Brent out the door.

things went surprisingly smoothly. Even the snowstorm from a few days ago had stopped, and

low despite the bright sunshine. It melted the accumulated snow on

waiting there. There was no one else in the hall but him. He was sitting cross–legged with his eyes half–closed. He looked

drew closer to him, she detected the faint scent of alcohol on

a drinker in the past, but now

hands landed on his temples, and

he said, “You’re

in response. Neither of them spoke further. It felt like time had turned back. In the past, she always soothed him

a while, her hands were sore. Since she started chemotherapy, her health was not as good as it

“I have revised the divorce agreement. If you

agreement, on the other hand, was much more extensive. It

lightly. “Mr. Miller,

head to glance at his wristwatch. “It’s what

separate himself from her. She couldn’t

he was in love with her either as he had been

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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