It was dead silent in the car. Marina’s voice was loud as she was anxious, so Olivia managed to hear her say the name “Connor.”

She remembered the day she received her pregnancy report. She had run into Ethan’s embrace and told him about it. “Ethan, you’re going to be a father! We’re having a baby!”

Her voice was filled with enthusiasm. “I’ve thought of our child’s name. It’ll be Colette if she’s a girl and Connor if she’s a boy. What do you think?”

Oh, how she wished she had misheard Marina, but Ethan looked her right in the eyes and told her, “His name’s Connor.”

“You asshole!” Olivia’s hand was already in the air. She slapped him, yet he did not flinch, letting her do as she pleased.

“How could you name her child after our own?”

The thought of her child was Olivia’s final straw. Tears streamed down her cheeks uncontrollably, and she pounced on him as if she had gone crazy.

“You devil! Why did God take away my child from me? Why weren’t you the one who died?” She landed hit after hit on him as she yelled, “He doesn’t deserve that name!”

Ethan grabbed both her hands and told Kelvin, “Head to Collington Cove.”

This made Olivia go berserk. “We’re close to the City Hall already! Settle our divorce first before you head elsewhere!”

“His fever won’t go down. I must go back now.”

“My father’s lying unconscious in the hospital, yet the nurses wouldn’t even let me anywhere near the hospital because of the bills! Are you saying that your child’s life is important, but my father’s life is nothing?” Olivia yelled in his face.

the mention of Olivia’s father. “How dare

hand to slap him again, but he gripped her

turn, and Olivia watched as they moved further and further away from the City Hall. Ethan locked her

were nothing more than shackles to her now. His arms were strong,

you love Marina

he held Olivia, he found that she had not only gotten just a bit slimmer—she was way bonier than she was a year ago. She was paper-thin, and

much was now so

across his mind. His grip on Olivia’s waist tightened a little. When he raised his head to look at her again, all that was left in his eyes was an endless pool

someone remove your father’s breathing tube right now if you continue making

was the one who used to say that he would never make her cry, but he was now the reason behind all her

suffocating. Olivia finally managed to calm herself

then sniffed and said, “It’s your business if you want to go to your child. However, you can’t ruin our plan. Stop worrying about me not letting you go because I’m going

Olivia ignored him and carried on with her

on you. I’ve seen everything now. Holding on is meaningless, so I’ll let things go. Give me the money, and we’ll deal with the formalities

I don’t want

eyes. The tears that she wept just now made her eyes clearer than

gaze and said, “Then I’ll jump out of the car. I’d rather

write on it. “I’ll wire you the other five

I wouldn’t divorce you? Don’t worry. I’ll sooner take my own life than stay beside a

the check from his hands, slammed the door shut, and left without

she could save her

and rushed to the hospital to settle her father’s medical fees. She then called a cab and headed to the address Brent

cemetery. Those buried here were either affluent or filthy

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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