Chapter 0465 I move to the beat of music feeling all my fears wash away. Honestly, I have never been to a club before. Never attended any party that didn’t include my parents work parties. This is a first for me.

My parents weren't strict, but I didn’t have friends and I was so introverted that no one in school new I existed. I didn’t get invited to parties simply because I kept so much to myself, I was probably invisible.

It felt good to drink and just unwind.

Today is our last day in Tokyo and I everything had gone smoothly. Gabriel had managed to get them to agree to his terms of the deal.

We were here, in this posh club because on of the investors had wanted to celebrate this deal, which by the way is a huge deal that will bring billions to the Wood corporation.

I I continue swaying to the music, my 4

(+15 BONUS eyes closed and hands in the air. Why have I never done this before? Oh right, I got married at eighteen, stayed married for three years, got pregnant, got divorced, gave birth, got married again, raised a baby, become a widow, then got married a third time.

Sheesh, looking at my life now, I realize that it has been nothing but a roller coaster. I didn’t have time to breathe, let alone enjoy myself and go out clubbing and dancing.

I feel someone behind and it takes me just a second to know it isn’t Gabriel.

My body knows his.

snap open and

while he presses his

baby, mind getting out of here for some after fun?” his hand on my waist is all wrong, so is his

1 simply

you were swaying like a seductress, it’s obvious you wanted my attention,” his hands started

said, no... don’t you understand English?” this time I turn and step away

looks one second away from face planting on the floor. He is way beyond drunk

our table when he

when I try to shove his hand, but he

you a good time,” he leans in and I again I try to

drunk? Before he can get his disgusting

he is ripped away. I heave a sigh of relief, not

find a very pissed off Gabriel glaring at the

him in a threatening tone. One

drunk and idiotic guy asks while standing up. “I saw her, first” - This seems to push Gabriel over the edge, because he swings his fist and gives the guy a solid blow.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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