Chapter 0464 "Just like I'm clearly falling for you Gabriel's words keep playing like a loop in my head over and over again for the rest of the day. We had back-to- back meetings with different investors, yet I couldn’t focus on anything except those seven words.

As you have probably guessed, I am an overthinker. I overanalyze and overthink everything until it drives me to the edge of insanity. That’s what I've been doing the whole fucking day.

What did those words mean? Is it actually possible that he’s falling for me? What if it’s a trick? What if he’s playing me? Should I trust what he’s saying? And if it’s true, and he means those words, what am I going to do? What should I do? I want so badly to ask him, but I don’t want to seem eager or desperate.

I was right after all, agreeing to be i"

I I Gabriel's wife once again, was messing meup.

I « k oN : : z You okay?” he questions, his worried glance flittering through my face.

“Yes” I whisper, trying to push those thoughts away.

It did no good to keep thinking about them. I would just end up with a migraine, something I didn’t need.

“We can stay in if you prefer. We don’t have to go down.” I muster a small smile and compose myself. “No, it’s okay.” It was now evening and Gabriel was taking me out to dinner. Technically, we were going downstairs for dinner, but that didn’t matter.

Taking my hand, we leave our room and get into the elevator.

Unlike our first date, I didn’t go all out dressing up today. I was in a simple black dress, heels and subtle makeup. 7

the whole day overthinking so much that when evening came, 1

it to simply stop and let me relax. I didn’t have the answers and that was okay. All I need is to take one day at a time without obsessing over

the restaurant, the place is already buzzing with life. Soft music played above the chatter of

I say, once we

a brow, but doesn’t say anything. Just stares at me in that intense way he does. I shift uncomfortably under his gaze, trying to avoid

when a waiter approaches our

wine?” “Yes please,” I answer, and he pours some into my

it’s like tasting heaven. It tasted better than the cheap wines

expect? A hotel like this one wouldn't go for cheap

relax. To unwind and think about nothing for the

would discuss during dinner,

I attention.


Instead, I lift my

I stare into

I finally answer. “No. I loved him, but I wasn’t in love with him.” He leans forward, confusion replacing the jealousy that had been there seconds ago. I “I don’t get it” he says. “Why marry him then? Did he know you didn’t love him?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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