Chapter 0516

I fold my hands on top of the kitchen counter. I don't know what to do or say to that.

"How did that make you feel?" I finally ask him after a while.

"I don't know. I talked to Noah, and he told me that she also apologized to him for trying to come in between Uncle Rowan and Aunt Ava."

Well, that's news to me. It seems like Emma was going around apologizing to those she wronged, including children, who most people would overlook.

*She apologized to me too, a few weeks ago," I confess.

"How did that make you feel?"

*Trying to be the parent, are you?" I chuckle. "But we are not talking about me; it's you I'm worried about."

He sighs. "I don't know. I am still angry at her and hurt. My chest hurts when I think about how much it used to hurt when she didn't want anything to do with me."

*I understand that, buddy, and you have every right to be angry. No one can fault you for being hurt, okay? It's also okay when you don't know how you feel. Emotions can be messy and conflicting at times."

try to explain as best as I can. I don't want Gunner to ever be in pain. I know that

me. "I feel conflicted.

am I supposed to respond to that? I rack my brain

cool off first, then we can go from

would you be angry if I forgave

support you if that's what you want, but you have to understand that your

moment you introduced me to Kinley. She makes you smile, and I figured

boy manages to surprise me and

"Did you honestly think I wouldn't notice? I am ten,

aren't... So, you wouldn't mind if I started

It's important to make sure that my son is

I'll always put Gunner before any woman or

he answers. "I've been wondering when you'll grow some



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