Chapter 0514

"How did you feel seeing Gunner?" Mia asks, her eyes as always were perceptive. Staring at me like she could see straight into my soul.

Given that I've gone back to work, we've had to move things around to fit my new schedule. Most of my sessions are now scheduled between four thirty and six in the evening.

I already know the answer to that. I don't need to think about it. Thinking about that day, though, fills my eyes

with tears.

*Heart wrenching," I all but whisper the words.

It feels like it's been forced out of me. Out of the deepest parts of my soul. I try to force the sob that threatens to break free, but it's useless. I tears out of me painfully, leaving me breathless.

"How so?" Mia asks, handing me tissue paper.

I take it and wipe the tears falling down my face. It does no good because they keep flowing like a damn river. Getting angry at them for how they keep falling, I ball the tissue in frustration before chucking it in the dustbin.

*I saw it in his eyes, he hated me." I begin giving up on my battle against the tears that kept falling down my face. "There was so much anger reflected in his eyes. So much bitterness."

still imprinted on my head and heart. They still burn me in ways I


wipe away my tears with the back

me, knowing that it was my fault. That I am the one

am having difficulty breathing as the intensity of my emotions chocks me. Robbing me of the ability to

I go to sleep, they are there in my dreams. When I wake up, they are there,

Gunner. Right now, I am worried about you. I sense a lot of anger and

emotions into him? Children should remain innocent for as long as they can. They should not feel any kind of hatred, anger, or bitterness. I took Gunner's

think you deserve a second chance?"

about it because it has never crossed my mind. Do I

playing in my head like a broken record. It echoes inside, its

looking but I see nothing at all. I dig deep inside me to try

force me to come up with the answer sooner. She just

sigh. "No, I don't believe that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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