Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 157: Backup I 

Sylvia's POV: 

I finally relaxed when Lena explained everything to me in detail.I accepted the truth and didn't want to face Lena anymore.

"Let's go back."

I tugged at the corner of Rufus's shirt and whispered to hirn.

Rufus held my hand and led me to the door.

Then, he ordered his men to keep a close watch on Lena before ushering me out.I was excited to come here.

But now, I felt depressed and heartbroken.I leaned against the car window and watched the scenery flash past me.

Rufus reached out and touched my face.

"Are you feeling stuffy?"

I nodded and said in a nasal voice, "Yes.I wish I could jump into a big icy river and swim to my heart's content."

Rufus didn't say anything.He rolled down the window beside the driver's seat.The rush of cold wind instantly awakened me.Then, he stopped the car, and I turned around to look at him in confusion.

"Wait for me in the car," he said, rubbing my head soothingly.

and quickly disappeared from

returned when I felt drowsy

you been?" I

took my hand and placed a small

white cream

sleep disappeared in

the cover and smiled

a cake shop

fork, opened the box, and

this.It's ice

cut a slice of the cake with the fork and took a

fluffy cake coated with ice cream and whipped cream made me moan

exploded in my mouth, lifting my

eyes and licked my lips contentedly.I felt a

at me with a big smile on

a spoonful of cake and gave it to him.Rufus shook his

"You eat."

out and wiped the cream on my lips gently, and smiled at me.A blush flamed my cheeks when I looked at him.He

my clothes and cast a sidelong glance at

were pursed in concentration as he drove

a moment's hesitation, I decided

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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