Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 158: Wild Racing 

Sylvia's POV: 

I quickly sat straight nervously.

"God! Why are they following us? Who are they?"

Rufus pursed his lips and drove calmly as if he were used to such things.

"Don't be afraid.Everything will be fine."

Rufus hit the accelerator and drove at full speed.

The black car behind continued to follow us.

My palms grew sweaty.

The beautiful scenery that I had been admiring all along turned into a hazy blur.

Rufus drove at lightning speed.

I gripped the seatbelt for dear life.

For a moment, I thought the car would fly in the air.

"Relax, Sylvia.I won't let anything bad happen to you," Rufus said, glancing at me.

However, nothing reached my ears.My heart leaped to my throat when I saw the car was about to collide with the iron railing ahead.

"Watch out!" I squealed.

steering wheel, and our car drifted to an unexpected turn, leaving

back.The black car had turned


the rearview mirror and stepped hard on the

It was dusk.

sun cast

soaked in the luxurious light, but I was not in the mood to

still hanging in


sky turned dark as the sun

saw two cars

a row of spikes

I shouted nervously.

were arranged in a manner where driving one step forward could puncture our

as he slowed down the

mirror as my heart continued to crash in my chest.I saw a black speck that

my nerves as I saw the black car

definitely outnumbered, and defeating them wouldn't be

noticed the black car

he pivoted the car to the


back and forth as we traversed the bumpy terrain.I clutched the groove beside

darkness only seemed to worsen

road ahead frightened

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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