Fated To The Cursed Lycan Prince

Chapter 159: Assassination 

Sylvia's POV: 

Just then, a loud crash reverberated across the silent road.I quickly opened my eyes and looked back.

One of the cars following us tumbled down the mountain at a sharp turn.

"There...look...two more cars are left," I nervously told Rufus.

Just then, another car collided with the tree and rear- ended the third car.

I rolled down the window and heard the loud roar of the engines mixed with the angry curses of the werewolves.

I turned around and looked at Rufus.

He seemed calm and composed as he looked ahead, holding the steering wheel.

The car gradually slowed down, and my racing heart finally returned to my chest.

"Are you not afraid anymore?" Rufus grinned at me.

"I didn't say I was afraid." I pouted.

"Oh, really?" Rufus chuckled.

the one

dotingly.My heart skipped a beat when I saw the love shining in his eyes.I quickly rolled

cars, Rufus quickly drove to the main

better as we were back

skin and caressing

"Gosh, this is exciting!"

my hand out of the window and


in the starlight sky brought a

want to try something

smiled and opened the roof, turning

me shiver.The chilly

ones traveling

starlit sky and the way the car sped on the road

and I were the only ones

burned in my

laughed, feeling happier

finally entered the urban area, Rufus closed the


stopped smiling and

ears are cold.I shouldn't have opened

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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