Fated to the Cursed Lycan Prince by Dark Knight

Chapter 957 Baby With A Snotty Nose

Crystal’s POV:

Seeing that I had fallen silent, Warren cleared his throat and changed the topic. “Our child should be about a year older than your kids.”

Title of the document

“Yes, yes! Do you want to meet our kid?” Flora gushed excitedly.

I was surprised. “You brought your son here, too?”

Flora smiled confidently. “It’s not like he has anything better to do.”

Then Flora fled the room under Warren’s speechless gaze. She soon returned carrying a sleeping toddler. It seemed that this wasn’t her first time doing this.

Warren and I exchanged helpless glances. The little boy had thick golden hair and a round face. He lay obediently on Flora’s shoulder, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

“Lucas, say hi to your auntie.” Flora shook the little boy’s hand to wave at me excitedly.

me in a sleepy voice. It seemed that

adorable! I couldn’t wait to

as Warren. He even

a candy from my pocket and gave it to him. Lucas glanced at the candy and then at me. Finally, he shyly took the candy and said,

but burst into laughter. “Food’s the

off and stuffed the candy into Flora’s mouth, “Mommy, it’s for

had done this

dutifully chewed on the candy and nodded at

Fortunately, I had more candy in my purse. I carefully piled a handful

them all

into his mouth. She rubbed his head dotingly

giggled, revealing his two front teeth.

Auntie Beauty has two kids. Do you want to play with them sometime?” As Flora cajoled the child, she

eyes widened in curiosity,

they’re one year younger than

immediately. “Yes! I want

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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