Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 928 The Emperor Was Tricked (Part One)

It had been two days since a huge portion of the Great Jade Kingdom's army fell from the Bright Dynasty's attacks. Fernando had no idea why the battle had been paused as soon as Zack arrived.

"Your Majesty, shall we commence attacking the enemy?"

Instead of responding, Rolando just ordered sternly, "Raise the tent and call the generals of the army. We will have a meeting." After much calculation, he figured out that night was the night that they would conquer the Dragon Pass.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

As Rolando stopped staging any kind of attack against the Dragon Pass for the past two days, both Shawn and Zack were starting to feel uneasy. Rolando wasn't someone easily frightened, nor was he someone who would just retreat out of fear of further losses. His silence meant something, and they both knew it was part of a larger ploy.

"Shawn, it seems like a big storm is on the way. Is there still no news about His Highness?" Zack asked worriedly.

"No," Shawn replied somberly, shaking his head. Ever since he set sail for the Great Jade Kingdom, Matthew had never contacted them. What was strange was even Harper hadn't made any contact with them. Diana was the first and only person who sent a message to them during that period.

He then turned to an underling, saying in an authoritative tone, "Go around and tell everyone to stay alert. The Great Jade Kingdom is not done, and may actually attack the city again soon. Never slack off!" Aside from that, he reminded his soldiers to never let Rolando set foot in the Dragon Pass, no matter what happened.

It was midnight. Thick, ominous fog filled the area, and there were no stars in the sky. Darkness enveloped everything that one could not even see his fingers once he stretched his arm out.

the city gate tower collectively complained. Under such weather, they wouldn't be able to

I can't

thick fog. He rubbed his eyes, checking if his eyes were working—and they were. But now that the said flash

will this fog dissipate? I know the weather's bad but this is

which immediately scared every guard that was on the gate tower. One quickly approached

indeed, the heavy fog was there for a purpose: Rolando and his men were using it as a cover as they went ahead and launched an attack in an orderly manner. They were all in position, ready

gates. As desperate times called for desperate measures, he shouted, "Use the bombs!

will do

destroy it now, when we're ready, rather than later! Now is the time we need His Highness. If he still doesn't show

to be fetched and all of them to be thrown at the advancing enemy. The rumbling was becoming louder and louder as more

using the bombs again. Should we continue attacking the city?"

from the back of his horse and targeted the sparkling falling

and shoot

"Right away, Your Majesty."

had a grim expression, but Zack immediately had his men boil water and then dump the hot water

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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