Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 929 The Emperor Was Tricked (Part Two)

Shawn had already dispatched soldiers to wait at the gates. The moment the gates fell, he ordered, "Get out of the city, and attack the enemies. Kill."

Benjamin was not resigned to playing second fiddle. "Come on. I will give you a reward of ten thousand taels of silver and you will be promoted to higher position if you kill Shawn!" he shouted.

The two armies were engaged in a battle here. It was the first time that they fought against each other since the Great Jade Kingdom had been attacking the Dragon Pass for almost one month. Before the gates of the city were broken, Shawn had been in the city and refused to fight. Now the gates had been destroyed, so he had to get out of the city to fight back!

"Your Majesty, the gates are broken. Shawn and his soldiers came out, ready to fight."

"Fernando! Go to kill Shawn! And then ask someone to take a group of people into the Dragon Pass to capture Zack alive!" Rolando said slowly. Harper was not a person who had many weaknesses, and unfortunately, Zack was one of them. Since Zack came himself, Rolando would not hesitate to capture him.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Rolando was happy to see the struggling of the soldiers in the Dragon Pass. His smile was cold and cruel. No one could tell what he was thinking about from his expression.

In such thick fog, they could not see their enemies or tell who they were, but they could only kill. The smell of blood spread on the battlefield, covering up all other smells.

It seemed that something was shuttling through the fog, and there were people falling, but no one noticed. When Rolando found something wrong, many of the soldiers behind him had fallen.

and right army, be careful of the attack from behind!" Rolando's voice pierced through the whole

didn't stop their actions at all, and turned into the black shadows on the battlefield to ruthlessly kill

has come. Kill. Cooperate with him from inside

It was not the right time for Matthew to come. But now that they were both attacked from inside and

Majesty, it's Matthew's

Rolando! I am here!" A loud voice came from

his head and roared to

turned to look back and said, "I know

the people around within a distance of fifty meters. Even the thick fog had dispersed. Matthew, with a sword in his hand, stood not far away and looked at

at Rolando. "Today, I'm sure

back home? Aren't you afraid that if you don't go to save Harper now, you will be too

sword and stabbed at Rolando. Rolando waved his sword to resist the attack. After a short while, they had fought more than one

to hurt her? Stop daydreaming!" Rolando, guess where the two hundred

"The capital of the Great Jade

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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