Get Me Married

Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Her condition

The car came to a halt at the apartment that once belonged to I, Tiana and Tiffany. I sighed and came down from the car, ignoring the eyes that stared at me. I walked straight to the apartment and pushed the door open as I have always done.

Tiana was watching a movie at the sitting room when I came in, as her usual self, she kept shouting at the tv screen. A faint smile spread to my lips with the familiar feeling that encircled me.

She was always shouting at the actors in all movie, do this, do that, jerk, don’t do that. I remember I was always the type that liked it still and quiet when watching a movie and Tiana was the loud one. We would fight and argue because of how noisy she was, at the end of the day none of us would watch the movie.

I stared at her, I was just happy watching her. My life was so peaceful and perfect, the only problem we had was money but at least I was happy, I was genuinely happy and no one took me for a joy ride. No boy joked with my feelings and no one used me as a pawn in their sick game.

“Tiana….I can’t find my shoe” Tiffany yelled from the room.

“I don’t wear your shoes” Tiana yelled back.

“Uhmmm, yes you do. Look I just need the silver coloured one and I can’t find it” she yelled back and I giggled lightly.

“Tiffany, my legs are bigger than yours, I can’t wear your shoes” she rolled her eyes.

“That’s true …” Tiffany said and I could hear her footstep as she walked out of the room.

“Genesis was the one who had the same size as me” she added and the back of my eyes burned with tears. I missed them so much.

“Yeah, do you think she is doing fine” Tiana said with emotions in her voice.

“Hell yeah, she is married to a Chase” Tiffany said sadly and came out of the room.

Then her eyes fell on me immediately. She screamed so loud, my ears felt the pain. Then she ran towards me and hugged me, I hugged her back with so much emotions going through my heart.

“How long .. I didn’t know you were here” Tiana pulled me into a hug the moment Tiffany let go of me.

“Of course you wouldn’t know. Genesis was always good at sneaking up on you” Tiffany added and I chuckled

I pulled away from the hug and stared at the both of them. My heart was filled with so much happiness from being with them.

“Your silver coloured shoes is at the left side of my wardrobe, below the drawer” I told Tiffany

and she grinned at me. Her eyes became cloudy with tears immediately and she pulled me into another hug.

“We missed you so much” she said. I hugged her back and felt ‘Tiana hug me from behind. Tears clouded my eyes and I allowed it flow. They were my friends after all and I had missed them. I left them behind, I moved on to a rich family and left my friends. And I regretted it, I regretted my decision, I hated what I did and wished I could go back in time

Jordan had hurt me, his mother had hurt me, his father had hurt me. Every single member of his family had hurt me. I left my family and friends and life to be with people who didn’t really care about me and my emotions, they all hurt me.

With that thought, my eyes watered more than it should, I could no longer hold myself and I cried openly like a child while my knees became weak.

“Genesis….” Tiffany and Tiana called out at once when they saw how I was shaking and crying in their arms. They pulled away from the hug and my knees gave way and I fell on the floor.

“Hey…hey” Tiana said and knelt beside me as she pulled me to herself.

“Calm down, breath” she soothed my back while I cried into her arms.

They allowed me cry, not once did they stop me. They allowed me breath, they allowed me pour out my feelings while they watched and waited for me to pull myself together. When I felt better, I stopped and pulled away from Tiana. She helped me stand up and led me to the couch while Tiffany handed me a glass of water. I gulped down everything and took a deep breath before exhaling

They both said nothing, they didn’t need to because I would tell them anyway. I was permitted to take time for myself while they waited patiently for me to be composed enough to talk.

When I felt okay, I was composed enough, I sighed and relaxed my back on the couch.

“I want a divorce” I said to them and watched the concern in there face turn to shock.

“Uhmmm, what are you saying?” Tiana asked me.

“I can’t be married to Jordan, I want to leave him and come back to my normal life” I said allowing a tear to slide away from my eyes.

Tiana and Tiffany looked at each other, unsure they were hearing me well, or maybe they thought I had gone crazy

“I know what I am saying. Those people are bad and …”

: Those people are bad and ….” The tears flowed more and Tiana patted my back.

“Shhhhh, it’s fine” she said, soothing me so I wouldn’t go into another long minutes of crying.

“Tell us what happened, why the drastic decision?” she asked. I gave her a faint smile when! remembered how and what they said. I breathed in and out, ready to tell my story.

“After Jordan left the wedding…..” I started and there I narrated all that took place, the good and

the bad, the feelings I felt, the joy, the pain, the sadness, the happiness, the loneliness, all the overwhelming feelings I felt and I explained all too well. Till the most recent. Jordan Chase didn’t want me, I wasn’t even the one he was supposed to marry, he loved someone else. Mom Leona lied and toiled with me like I was her puppet so she could get access to more riches. She ignored my feeling, she ignored what it would feel like to be me and pushed me to her son who loved Samantha so much, he brought her back home, he brought her back to the house that was supposed to be ours.

got up

said sadly and I just sat and stared at them. A

angry, she stormed out and stormed back in after a while with a bottle of alcohol in her hands. She dropped the bottle in front of me and went ahead to bring a glass while I watched. When she returned, she came back with three tiny glass we always used for taking shots and opened the drink. She poured a mouthful into the glasses and gave it

deeply, then out before she turned to

over her anger. I openly gaped at her and

thinking, I am crazy..but I am not” she

Tiffany added grudgingly and

that, she always thought and assimilated her words well before she spoke and I knew that

to say, knowing very well she wasn’t Tiffany who always had to say

legally married to that jerk” she cursed Jordan and I

“With or without that bitch, you are still his wife and you can’t let that girl or anyone else change that” she said and

loves Samantha, there is no

“I know that” Tiana rolled her eyes at

scenerio’s only affects the lady if she is madly in love with her husband, which Genesis here isn’t”

felt connected to him, I felt happy and saw a different Jordan

I don’t love him” I said coldly and Tiana

Be a wife,

you saying?” Tiffany

“She can’t leave with such disrespect, love or no love” she

that her parents signed a contract that

I raised

so busy on your wedding day” she explained

really had everything planned out, she knew exactly how to trap me and she did it

that this marriage has changed the life and future of your

relaxed myself

Tiana has a point. Ignore them and carry on with your life, your family needs this. Ava needs this” Tiffany added and I felt like

sinked deeper into the couch and allowed their words sink in, I didn’t

I simply said to Tiana who smiled weakly at

jokes then I had to leave, I needed to see my parents anyway. I said my goodbyes to them with

house and I stepped down when we arrived. The environment again looked like one that a child should grow up in. It didn’t look like my former home where mom and dad gave birth to me. It was a place of death, youths got killed day by day for going into drugs or being in the wrong group. Kids got killed for playing too close to the road or drinking bad water. I smiled a faint smile in remembrance of how I grew

that was a little bit older than me came out of

to actually see a

who are you?” she asked and I looked around, just to be


nothing to her.

sure I was at the right place” I said with a smile

are at the right place” she said in a tone that

eyesssss” Ava screamed from God knows where and ran out, then

her but with her hands wrapped around me, tears burned

are you doing here, I wasn’t expecting to see you” she said and

“What?” I sniffed.

me here, isn’t this my home anymore” I asked and blinked rapidly so I wouldn’t cry in front of her but that was a

triggered hers and she

your home okay. Don’t ever say that. Its just, after your wedding, mom said you might be busy and won’t be able to see us yet” she said and wiped the tears

“Why are you crying, is something wrong?” she asked me and

missed you so much” I said with another wave of

night” she pouted and allowed a tear

you so much too” she said and

I have a little idea of what

from the hug so I could face her,

mom drives me. I will do anything to make you happy, to keep you all safe and give

you happy? Do you like it here? Is

smiled weakly at

I want you to come back” she said and tried blinking back her

am going to sacrifice my happiness and wish to always be with you so you can be happy in

into more pieces at the sight of her. Ava was growing up so fast, it pained me that I wouldn’t be

here you” I said and pulled her

love you blue eyes” she said. I kissed her head

you too” I said with

I turned and my eyes fell on the lady who I

she?” I asked

nanny, Loretta” Ava replied brows knitted

a nanny now I see” I said wickedly at her and

but she wouldn’t have

recognize you. I am so sorry” Loretta

fine” I smiled warmly at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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