Get Me Married

Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 21

Chapter 21: Eyes

A month later.

I finished the last book I was reading and kept it together with the others. I stared at the pile of books and smiled at myself. I did an amazing job on finishing the books and in such a short time. I had over 30 novels piled up against each other and I finished it in a month time.

But then again, I was completely jobless and useless in that house so it wasn’t something special.

I yawned and my stomach grumbled after wards. It was time for lunch and I was so looking forward to it because Margaret had told me they were going to make a french dish all through out that day. When I was at Paris, the french dishes I tasted were heavenly and I didn’t mind having more of it for a week. I stood up from the bed and walked out of my room. I went downstairs just in time because the food was being placed on the dinning when I arrived and I couldn’t help but shrieked like a child.

The maids stared at me and grinned widely at my outburst.

“You look happy ma’am” Anna said and I smiled at her.

“shouldn’t I be happy?” I asked and she shook her head violently.

“No, no…you should be always. I just want to pertake in your joy” she said and I smiled widely.

“Well I am happy because…..” I thought for a while to think of the reason I would be happy but I couldn’t come up with anything

“I don’t really know” I said and took my sit.

“Anna leave the master’s wife alone, we have more job in the kitchen” Margaret said to her and she pouted and walked away.

I chuckled at her and my stomach grumbled again. I quickly turned to the food in front of me. I stood up and dished out my food.

“Ma’am, let me do that” One of the maids said quickly and walked towards me.

“Don’t bother yourself, I am really famished” I said.

“The master won’t like you doing that yourself ma’am” she protested and I rolled my eyes.

“He doesn’t care about the things I do, more over he isn’t home” I said ignoring her protest.

Of course I knew he wasn’t home that was exactly why I came down for lunch.

I always had breakfast and dinner in my room because I knew that he was always at home during those time but once it was noon I was always downstairs.

“Ma’am he is…..

“You really love daring me don’t you?” Jordan’s voice was the next thing I had and I became frozen at that spot. The maid who was protesting looked at me apologetically before she turned away.

The sitting room became really quiet and I could suddenly perceive Jordan’s perfume all over me.

Jordan was good at being silent, so many times he had walked up to me from behind, I never saw him or heard his footstep behind. When his perfume enveloped me, I knew he was right behind me and that made me nervous.

The last time I had been close to him was the day I went over to the library. Jordan had caught me glancing through a book I realized I shouldn’t have touch and he almost skinned me alive for it.

I actually thought he would do that with how angry he was but he didn’t. He had ordered me to get out after staring at me for so long and I did that without hesitation. And I never showed my face to him since then. Knowing he was close again to me sent chills down my spine.

voice reverberated in the room and all the maids scurried away like rats being

long. It felt like no one was even there with me but

arm and pulled me so hard, I turned towards him and hit myself against his body. My heart suddenly started beating fast and nervousness took over my system. My eyes slowly looked up to his and I regretted it the minute I tried doing that. His eyes were brown but dark, it

was still placed against his

doing?” he said something for the first time since all the maid

“I was going….to have lunch” I replied and tried moving away from him again but he

Then it went quiet

“Can you just let me go” I blurted out and he tightened his grip on my arms. I whimpered and tried moving

“Jordan” I called out and


and I cried with a low tone and looked away from him. But he didn’t let go even when he knew he was clearly hurting me. I felt like he enjoyed

forcefully. And by so doing, I crashed against

I didn’t know where it was coming from, I didn’t know how I was becoming so bold, neither have I ever felt like I could say something like that. But

and his eyes seemed to get more furious with everything

escape. I turned to my left

his body again and held me tightly. His other hand grabbed my other hand and the same way he gripped my arm, he did the same to the other and intentionally held it tighter. I felt my bones

against his so tightly, so

were almost clouded with tears and tried pleading but for some reason he gripped my

will hurt you when ever I choose to” he

dream that can truly make me happy till my demise” he

forcefully hitting at him so he could let me go but

“I’m sorry…” I cried knowing exactly what

bitch so much, getting married to her was

…………… didn’t mean it…. It…was never my intention” I tried explaining to him. I never meant to get married to him, I never meant to steal his

I hate apart from being a deceiver is lies” he growled and I shook my head violently and looked up to his face again

not any of them” I cried and his hands suddenly

face like he saw something alien. I stared back at him unable to react, I still felt the pain of his grip on my arms and my heart was heavy from a

his hands from his side and gently placed it on my cheeks. I stiffened at his touch, I was scared he was going to do something worse

tears like

form the stairs and I jerked away.

I could tell she was angry about seeing Jordan so close to


on the screen of my phone for the fifth

her, neither have I seen her.

After lunch, I went back to my studies just so I could think

and just sat on my sit and did nothing till my phone beeped. I picked up the phone and went

good. Though I went extreme for it

have series of events we won’t be able to meet up with it. But that won’t be a problem, you and your wife are to represent us in each and everyone of them. I repeat your

and dialled her number after that text.

call me” she said

of this?” I

asked back and I balled my

dumb with me

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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