Get Me Married

Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Bookshelf

A week later

I groaned and jumped off from the bed annoyed and exhausted. I have been sitting and sleeping for so long and it was beginning to affect my body and bones. I needed to do something. I was too bored to keep still and my body system was reacting terribly to it.

I came down from the bed and walked out of my room through the hallway. I had literally been locking myself inside my room just so I could avoid Jordan, I didn’t want to be in his way and he preferred it that way. On my way downstairs, I saw Samantha and I rolled my eyes at her. I would actually do anything to not see her even for a day. Those days I stayed without seeing her was like being in heaven if only I had more things I could do to keep myself busy. I walked downstairs and walked towards the kitchen. I have never been there and I couldn’t see a single maid, I guessed they were all in there knowing it was almost time for dinner.

My eyes widened when I walked into the kitchen. It was like the kitchen you see in Chef Australia. I stood at the door and watched as everyone did one thing or the other and it felt amazing watching them that way.

“Goodevening ma’am” Anna was the first to take notice of me and every other person turned to my direction.

“Goodevening ma’am” they chorused and I smiled warmly at them before I walked inside.

“This place is huge, why the hell would they need such a big kitchen?” I asked and looked around.

“For parties, Master Jordan do have parties and dinner hosted in his house most of the time. During those time, we actually need a kitchen such as this” Anna replied.

“I didn’t know that” I said.

“There are a lot of things you don’t know” another maid replied and I shrugged.

“Well…why are your down here” Margaret asked and I sighed.

“My bones are killing me from lying down so much” I pouted and everyone giggled.

“You can go out shopping or something. You know, do those things rich people do” another maid said.

“I like being here. Come on, what are we making for dinner” I asked excitedly and walked deeper into the kitchen ready to give a helping hand.

Everyone became quiet and stared at me like I had said something foreign.

“What?” I asked and they looked away.

“Ma’am. You are the lady of this house, you can’t help us” Margaret said and I scoffed.

“Says who?” I asked.

“Ma’am you can’t be here” Margaret added and I rolled my eyes at her

“Come on…what are we having for dinner. I won’t ruin your meal, I promise” I said, waving her off.

She looked at me worriedly and looked away knowing she wouldn’t be able to stop me.

I picked up a knife and started cutting up the vegetables and every their jobs. My time in the kitchen reminded me of my time back at home. Everyone seemed to always be in the kitchen whenever I was making dinner. We would have chit chat and jokes and laughs about almost everything and being in the kitchen again with so many staffs made me feel at home again.. Margaret kept giving me worried glances but I ignored her, I really loved being in the kitchen.

We went on in cooking and I enjoyed every bit of it till everywhere went completely quiet.

“Goodevening sir” they all chorused and my head jerked to the door.

Jordan was standing there with his eyes on me. He still had that look, cold, harsh and aggressive. My heart skipped when I remembered the last time I had seen him and for a second there I panicked.

The kitchen became suddenly quiet, anything could easily echo through out the kitchen. His presence made everyone tensed and his eyes on me made me quiver in fear.

“What is she doing in here?” his voice sounded really angry and I became confused.

us in here. I am really sorry…” Margaret explained and realization suddenly dawned

and I

I gave you a simple order” he growled

I tried explaining but with the sound of my voice his eyes hardened and he glared at me. He looked around the kitchen and back at me, I could tell he had a lot to say but wouldn’t because

here” he said between gritted teeth and my brows knitted at him. I didn’t understand why he

This isn’t your master’s bedroom” I blurted out and regretted it the minute

glaring made me uncomfortable and I didn’t want to see him in his worse again. I took off my apron and turned to the door

little. I took my little self past him nervously and immediately walked


away from Jordan and I planned on

the steps and turned to the left wings and walked down the hallway with my heart in my chest. When I suddenly felt someone grab my arm and pin me to the wall forcefully. I groaned at the impact of myself to the wall


was talking to you in there” he said in a low tone. But I

tightened in my chest and his grip on my

hand on his and his grip tightened on

but the pain

You can’t go into the kitchen to cook” he growled and I nodded my

rapidly to Ward off the tears that

he barked and pushed

hand held my arm and I glared at him

see what’s wrong with

the kitchen again” he said and turned

how that’s your business Jordan. You don’t care about me or the things I

“Well I don’t care if you decide to hang yourself. What I care about is my name and you are a Chase now. Be the trophy wife you always wanted and never allow me get you doing something that

before I exhaled and walked over to my room. The hand he held felt limp and every other thing felt completely terrible from that point. I laid down on my room and cursed the whole of that day.

feel like going down for dinner anymore. There was no way I would face him again after his

brought up here?” Margaret asked from

“No, I won’t be eating this evening” I said disheartened and she sighed.

I want to

I knew Margaret, I knew she wasn’t going to

the door

on the bed and

sorry” she apologized and I

am sorry. It was my fault you

sighed and walked closer to me, she looked at me with

need to eat something ma’am” she stated and I sighed

I don’t feel like eating anymore” I said and she stared back

Her eyes roamed my body and she opened

she said looking at my arms, where Jordan had held me

she held a towel that was damp. She sat close to me and gently dabbed the towel on the red mark on my arm. I hissed

“I’m sorry Jordan did this to you” she said and I

up some day”

searched my dress table and came back with a balm. She applied it on my arm and I hissed at the

“What is he so upset about?” I asked and she looked at me and sat back

him” she explained and I gaped

I asked and she gave me a

knowledge. Give him time and stay away from him” she

I have been

she said inaudibly and I just didn’t

so did she for a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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