
Chapter 133

Chapter 133 Who Is Opposing The Construction And Materiaal Society?

“No! I won’t accept this! There are two thousand people here and thegy are all influential figures. Since we still have some men outside, witty don’t we hold them hostage and force the police to let us go!

“After we get out, we’ll esmane the civ. With our influence and resources, we can make a comeback elsewhere!”

Maybe Bob had lost his mind or maybe he was born a fugitive. He knew the odds were against him and he considered taking the risk to


The other gangster bosses were horrifed, their legs turned weak. Only a few of them had a ferocious gazein ther eyes, wondering if they

should take the risk.

Most of the gangster bosses were still same, but Bob had decided for them without their consent.

can’t do anything after you arest our men? Do you know

in he take control of the situation. If they kill one or two people along way and worsen

and I will

first before stating

Don’s expression shifted, not afraid but angry. Bah threatened them in public!

Bob was exceptionally ignorant for


and contacted the


command, but the silence



marched in and pointed their guns at everyone in

were pointed at

Kelly, Haiden, and the others had

the targeting lasers from the soldiers’



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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