
Chapter 134

Chapter 134 Who Is The Commander?

Not only Roger, Kelly, and Haiden, but the others were confused as


All two thousand guests in the hall were similarly baffled.

Then, the vice commander of the Garo Spec Ops Team who led the operation, Jayden Belfast, went up to Koga and saluted.

“Deputy Commander, report! The Garo Spec Ops Team has joined forces with Lilyrose for the anti-riot cooperation and successfully completed all assigned missions. Order, sir!”

Koga saluted back and said, “Standby and wait for the commander’s


Everyone was shocked.

Judging from Jayden’s words, Koga seemed to be the deputy commander of this operation.

In that case, who was the main commander?

Shin Scarlet?

had the same rank as Koga.

Don Braders?

police, which was lower ranked than the brigadier general.

were probably taking orders from the

the main

their attention to

close but we are on good terms. Why are you targeting my family and the Construction

He resented Johnson.

the brink of ascending to the top family rank, yet Johnson stepped in and

coldly, “Roger Hilfinger, you are pathetic. Until now you still have no idea who you offended? I am not the main commander of

shifting the responsibility or afraid of Roger. He was not worthy to be

operation and he was not

made the crowd tumultuous.

claimed that he was not worthy to be the main commander?

planned it?

legs weakened and alr lost his balance.

did not plan this, could

and continued to lament, “Who

to know who targeted him and the

Kaze sitting in front

grinned and said, “Idiot. The operation base

the main commander is here as


just the vice commanders of

was once again shocked!

event were just the vice commanders!

was in the

looking, especially around the four

no matter how the others searched, they could not find someone else with higher ranks

me it’s Kaze Lee…..”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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