Harvey York's Rise to Power

Harvey York’s Rise To Power By A Potato-Loving Wolf Chapter 2260

Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 2260

Harvey called a local cab and pointed the driver to his desired location. Then, he took out his


In just two days’ time, he had already figured out the entire process regarding Lilian’s kidnapping through his sources.

Lilian had a few bodyguards accompanying her, both in public and in secret.

Three days ago, they suddenly lost Lilian after she entered a public restroom in a mall.

She mysteriously vanished after heading inside. When the bodyguards couldn’t find her, they informed Mandy of Lilian’s strange disappearance.

Mandy took action instantly and sent a large

group of people to search the entire mall.

Unfortunately, it was to no avail.

But after studying the footage of the restroom’s entrance, Harvey came to an educated guess.

Lilian headed inside the restroom, a cleaner walked out, wheeling a

Lilian received a blow on the head and promptly passed out, and was


discovered that said person only started working a few weeks ago After Lilian was declared

investigating the cleaner further, but all

say, whoever did this must’ve planned everything out for a long time, even going as far as to figure out

why the plan had

thoroughly-planned naturally wouldn’t leave much of a trail,

only evidence Harvey had so far was a

past two days, Harvey was certain that Lilian was held hostage in the

Las Vegas that cost one hundred

fact, it wouldn’t be a problem to stay here for a

one thing to keep in mind, and that was to have enough money

are kings. On the contrary, those without money had no right to even scrounge

Palace. He got out of the cab and rode the Ferris wheel

Sky Casino Palace felt like

him. Anyone who

place of endless fun and enjoyment, filled with everything that the world had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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