Harvey York's Rise to Power

Harvey York’s Rise To Power By A Potato-Loving Wolf Chapter 2261

Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 2261

Harvey’s gaze was stern and severe.

He bumped into Teresa Thompson at the very place where Lilian was suspected to be held hostage.

Was this just a simple coincidence? Or was this planned all along?

Countless thoughts ran through Harvey’s mind, but he still put on a surprised act.

“Oh! It’s you!

“What a coincidence. Unfortunately, I have something to do though. Let’s talk another time.”

When Teresa saw that Harvey was about to slip away, she stubbornly held his hand.

“Wait! I still don’t know your name, my savior,”

Teresa said quietly.

“I’m Teresa.”

Teresa’s face was so close, it was almost glued to Harvey’s. On her lips was a brilliant smile, and her eyes were sparkling.

The fragrance unique to a young lady filled Harvey’s nostrils, making him slightly uncomfortable.

Harvey let go of her subconsciously, taking an immediate step back.

“It’s inappropriate for us to touch like this, Ms. Thompson. Also, please just call me Harvey. If you keep calling me your savior, people might think we’re filming a movie or something.”

shyly at Harvey’s

listen to

is such a

find you even after sending out so many people. I


“Do you live here?”

Vegas for some business. I\m staying

spend time with me? We can have a chat. I’ll treat you

passion was obvious.

to have bumped into

wanted to decline, but when he heard that Teresa was

so generous, let’s have a drink upstairs. After all, it’s a rare

one drink? Or do you want a few drinks

close to

softly into it.

You’re not trying to take advantage of me when you get me drunk,


coquettish tone made Harvey’s

he needed to search the guest room area for Lilian’s whereabouts, so he simply smiled at Teresa, not giving a straight


“Why? Are you afraid?”

follow you upstairs


Harvey acting aso passive aggressive, Teresa held Harvey’s hand tightly and giggled

this time! You

with me!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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