Harvey York's Rise to Power

Harvey York’s Rise To Power By A Potato-Loving Wolf Chapter 2264

Harvey York’s Rise to Power Chapter 2264

Several men outside walked in with cold smiles, their eyes glaring at Teresa the way a wolf that had spotted prey would.

Teresa’s expression changed slightly at their sudden appearance.

“Are you serious, CEO Hamilton?” she asked coldly.

“I am! I’m as serious as ever! If I lie to you, may my entire family be struck by lightning!”

The roguish man swore an oath.

“But! If you even do so much as to spit the tea out, I’m afraid it won’t be as easy as paying for damages. When that happens, you’ll have to compensate with your body as well!”

His men, who were surrounding the place,


chuckled coldly. They looked at Teresa with lustful stares.

Teresa took the teacup, face full of disgust, and prepared herself.

But at the most crucial moment, Harvey slapped the teacup away from her hand and let it fall to the ground

“What’s the point in you strong men bullying a young lady?”

trying to fool someone with tea leaves

at least twenty

stood in front of Teresa and shielded her, his

gave Teresa slight relief.

down to the fallen teacup and verified the contents while holding back her disgust. Then, she

at least twenty years old. There’s no way this is the new tea we

try to fool me with old tea after taking our goods? That’s a

words, the roguish man’ s face changed slightly. However,

because you said your tea is new, doesn’t mean that

leaves here, then?! We just took these out

are the leaves we

care if the tea’s new or old. Either way, you have to

you don’t, you pay up tenfold just like the contract said! Or

“The choice is yours.”

can’t say the

picked up a blade and swung it threateningly, his face cold

began cracking their necks and shot scornfuglares

“Pay up!”

have to teach you

men to

Casino-Palace after we’re done

getting our compensation, no matter


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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