Harvey York's Rise to Power

Harvey York’s Rise To Power Chapter 2265

Chapter 2265


Harvey‘s movements were as quick as lightning, and he swung his backhand with a speed invisible to human eyes.

“Are you sure you don‘t want to talk about this?”


“You know exactly what happened to this tea, don’t you?”


“And yet, you have the guts to ask for compensation? Do you really think you‘re allowed to do as you please just because we‘re in Las Vegas?”

The roguish man was completely dazed after being slapped around so much.

When Harvey lifted the man up by his collar, his face had become completely bruised and swollen.

“You... H–how dare you hit me?! Do you know

who I am?!”

“I‘m a member of the Hamilton family!”

“If you go against me, you‘re going against the entire family!”

against the

just you, your

serve customers at Sky Casino Palace! Her life will be a


getting thrashed in the face, the man still couldn‘t wipe the repulsive smugness on his

the title of

control within

“The Hamilton family... Fine.”

of the

talking so big, I‘ll give you a) chance,” he

you want

you don‘t disappoint

the man down to the ground before casually sending a


regained her composure.

trouble if you go against the Hamilton family like that.

to blame

say anything

her phone and started to dial for

look of scornas he lay on the floor, blood all

the Hamilton family would mean

useless to ask

already looking forward to what would happen

her phone non–stop. Meanwhile,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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