Harvey York's Rise to Power

Harvey York’s Rise To Power Chapter 2270

Chapter 2270

Teresa Thompson temporarily moved to another hotel and rebooked a presidential suite at the Paris Hotel next door due to the chaos at

the Sky Casino-Palace.

Harvey York appeared as if nothing had happened and helped Teresa send all her luggage over.

During this period, Harvey also called Mandy Zimmer to make sure that everything was going well for her at the moment. Only then was he a

little rest assured.

Harvey was almost certain that no matter who wanted to kill him, then they would aim at him.

As long as he did not meet Mandy, then Mandy would not be in danger for the time being.

Moreover, Harvey also believed that the third wave of the opponent’s attack would not appear too soon because they had repeatedly failed even with careful planning.

Now, he should concentrate on solving the trouble for Teresa. Only then would he have time to turn the tables and get rid of them before they could take action.

Everything was just as Harvey expected after checking in and staying in the Paris Hotel for the afternoon. Nothing major happened, and he then took this opportunity to rest for a few hours to regain his stamina.

Нот esa’s cell phone rang several times at this moment

them were calls from

of dinner tonight had been changed, the rest of the calls were to tell her to be on time tonight


be too impulsive

of business.

in particular situations

the morning must never

because Third Young Master


the Hamiltons

against him might end up

answering the phone. She just responded lightly with a few words and then ran


know what is his relationship with Matthew

spoke with

person is a little interesting.

about your affairs, but he is too

Flynns from Hong Kong, and he was my senior

business but served as a broker and mediator both in

Hamilton tonight, I ‘ll give him a minimum of 2.4 million dollars in gratuities. How could he

Vegas, I heard that he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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