Harvey York's Rise to Power

Harvey York’s Rise To Power Chapter 2271

Chapter 2271

Harvey York slightly squinted his eyes and said indifferently after a while, “Miss Thompson, since you know Dale Flynn‘s behavior, why would you still meet him tonight? Aren‘t you afraid that he would take advantage of you?”

Teresa Thompson smiled. “I have you.

“Moreover, even if I don‘t want to admit it, I still am a member of the Thompson family of Wolsing.

“In business, he may dare to deceive me.


“As for other things, he wouldn‘t dare to do it.”

Harvey smiled and did not say anything more. Instead, he made up his mind that he had to go there tonight.

He might be able to find out some news from

Third Young Master Hamilton.


Dinner time came soon. Harvey followed Teresa into the car, driving into the heavy traffic.

Young Master Hamilton has been waiting for a

entrance of the private manor at the bay ten kilometers away,

Young Master Hamilton that you are a person who knows

you‘d better don‘t let

arrive at seven o‘clock. Why didn‘t

has always been impatient. Other than that, he

upset him, at that time, not only those employees of your company

and I have to act carefully when

out a sigh of relief


a flattering smile and said, “Third Young Master, don‘t worry,


I‘m sure

in Chinese costume trailing not

eight foreign bodyguards, all dressed in

All of them were tall and

pale as if he was about to faint any moment. He was sitting casually on the Italian sofa with a playful look


held a few photos in his hand, and his face was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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