Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 50

Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 50

An Attack


‘ A Wendigo is nearby . I want everyone to b e ready . Secure the premises , I want three squads of warriors around the apartment blocks . Make sure no kid or woman who can’t fight is out . ‘ I commanded through the pack link . This wasn’t good . I needed Kiara safe . I lifted her bridal style , breaking into a run and heading towards my mansion . ‘ Julio , Bryan , get the Blood Moon wolves t o my mansion .

, Raihana and Raven . ‘ I broke the link with them . Just as I got there , I jumped up onto the ledge and slid my window open . I pulled back the bedsheets and placed her on my bed quickly , pulling the blanket up to her shoulders . About to turn away , I

three ! ‘ Someone said through the link

grabbing its fucking neck and tore its head off . The body moved for a bit , clawing out blindly , but soon it fell to the ground dead . The fucking wounds hurt like a bitch . Odd . Usually , they don’t really affect me this much … ” Alpha , you’re losing a lot of blood . ” One of the warriors who had been fighting in human form said .

Well , the two warriors were standing outside keeping guard . Rayhan was sat on the stairs whilst Greg and Harry were upstairs outside Alpha Al’s bedroom . I could sense the tension from Rayhan . Raihana was just sat there browsing social media apps on her phone . I walked out of the lounge and over to Rayhan . ” The wait is annoying , isn’t it ? ” I said quietly . ” Guess so , I’m more confused about Uncle’s behaviour towards Kiara . ” He replied , now looking up at me . I frowned

married and still stringing her along . ” ” 1 ” Do you like Kiara ? ” I asked curiously . Kiara was gorgeous and she had a figure t o die for . He looked up at me surprised , and I almost burst out laughing when I saw the light blush on his cheeks .” No , I don’t ! Why do you think that ? Just cause I’m worried for a friend . Urgh , you and Raihana … ” He grumbled . I smirked . I knew he was telling the truth but it was still funny to watch . ” So , you don’t think she’s hot ? ” ” She is . Really hot , but don’t tell Liam I said that , or Damon for that matter . It doesn’t mean I’m crushing on her . ” He said , giving me a pointed look . I nodded , my mind flitting to the boys back home . Damon couldn’t really say anything , I mean , he had fucked her too … I don’t know why but that hurt . A lot . I didn’t even understand why

Alpha Butthole even more than she already has been . ” Hmm , I think sometimes we can find people attractive but not crush on them . ” I said , now sitting on the step below him . ” Obviously . ” He said , tapping his foot . ” I swear , I want to find out what’s happening . ” ” We have to stay ” I began . He raised his hand , motioning for me to stay quiet . His eyes glowing a dazzling emerald as he stood up . I strained my hearing but I could hear nothing . ” Raven … Grab Raihana and go upstairs . ” He said quietly , his eyes

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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