Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 51

Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 51



“Rai! Stay with Kiara now!” I snapped, diving for the weapon that Greg’s lifeless body still held loosely in his hand, just as the disgusting beast lurched itself through the window. There may only be a year’s difference between Raihana and me, but she had definitely been raised a princess. Unlike Kiara and I, who knew how to fight even when we didn’t have wolves, it was clear the same wasn’t the case for her.

The manangal rushed for the bed and I sprinted over from behind, raising the weapon and stabbing it into its side. It didn’t seem to do much damage to it, but i t had surely caught its attention. That was the damn point. “Come on, you piece of sewer crap, let’s play!” I said, spinning the sword. It sprang at me and I ducked, ramming the weapon through its stomach. Its blood splattered over me, letting out a painful hiss of agony and anger. It attacked me, knocking me across the room, making me knocking me across the room, making me let go of the weapon that was now lodged in its stomach.

I rolled over, breaking my fall, before I was on my feet again. Moon Goddess, did you have to send such an ugly stinky thing my way? I pulled a face as I watched the Manangal rip the sword from its side and throw it across the room. Raihana flinched as she sat there, next to my sleeping beauty. Honestly, that girl was going to regret being asleep through this. Couldn’t I kind of get a selfie of this? “Raihana, don’t speak… but take a picture. “I said smirking.

the boys so jelly! It lunged at me and I ducked, plunging my hand into the disgusting wound that I had made earlier.

door, but it was a bad mistake. The Manangal turned sharply, swinging towards her with an unearthly shriek. Oh no you don’t! I jumped onto its back, digging my bloody hands into its eye sockets. I was internally cringing at how disgusting this was. For a few seconds, we remained like that, me hanging on for dear life as it tried to rip me off its back. It finally managed to grab me, ripping me off itself as it hissed,

threw me across the room and I hit the wall with a painful thud before I fell to the floor. I couldn’t move, the pain from the wounds was already taking over… Raihana stood near the door, too horrified to even move, a hand over her mouth. I struggled to push myself up but I couldn’t… My energy was draining fast. Kia… Come on… But heck, it seemed like this girl needed her prince charming’s wake up kiss! Just when I thought that this was it,

stop but I couldn’t let it get Kía! It leapt towards Kiara, mouth open wide, when I saw a black blur enter through the window. My heart skipped a beat as the dark, dangerous aura that sent chills down my spine filled the room. The blur lunged at the monster, I could feel his intense wrath as it tore the Manangal to pieces. A scene I wished I didn’t have to see and one that I knew I would remember for the rest of


little nympho was still asleep. This was no fucking coincidence; it was as if they had been waiting. Seeing Kiara’s ability had made them attack blindly but before that… where had they been? How had they stayed off our radar and managed to get so

and that wasn’t normal. I glanced at Raihana, who was just standing there clutching her fucking phone like it would protect her. I grabbed a pair of shorts, turning and shifting as I swiftly pulled them on. “Turn on the fucking light and go get someone up here.” I said to Raihana. She nodded, rushing from

raise strong women in that pack of his. I mind linked Darien to get to my bedroom. We needed

much a sI didn’t want her waking up to this, she would want to know if her friend needed her. I walked over to the bed and sat down with the brat

snap until she instantly took in the scene around her, her eyes then settled on the girl in my lap. “Raven!” She exclaimed, pushing off the blanket and rushing to my side. I frowned. Her aura… It was stronger and more present around her… It had changed. Not like before. Her tempting scent

she healed her. “What happened?” She asked, as I watched the wounds heal beneath her touch. “You fucking went Alpha mode, or some shit, and those fuckers caught on.” I said bluntly. Seconds later, I wished I hadn’t. Guilt flashed through her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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