Her FaceBook Friend

Her Facebook Friend By Ifveen Chapter 46

Every event will teach you something in your life, but the only lesson will be to remain strong all alone.” [Ifveen]


Amidst the whispering students, the ringing bells, and the bright red roses, I was walking to my cla**room. The sunlight was brighter today or maybe it was just me feeling better. After Remo shared his past, we talked to darkness. We only spoke of good things. It was a special duration, it felt like I wasn’t this ugly girl who had issues bigger than her life no more Like I was the most blessed person on the earth. He made me feel good, he made me feel beautiful. Something that I would never believe myself to be. He reminded me of the goodness of humans. Making me contemplate if he was like that with everyone else.

‘Does he tell everyone what happened to him in the past? Or it was just me. Am I special to him? Or he is just a kind person and I am a**uming things. I wish I was special for him, not just someone he could talk to. His texts show he cares about me, even if it’s a little bit. He did confess that he never had told his insecurities to anyone other than me. The sensation of being someone’s secret-relieving cushion felt better. Does he cherish me as much as I cherish my diary? Perhaps I am thinking too much, we were not that close. He had not yet seen my face. If he did, would he have left me too?

The sadness seeps from me. I hated this, this my quality of overthinking it to the point that I could turn beautiful moods into the wreckage. I hated myself for being the one who didn’t see good in anything. My head collided with something hard, halting my steps. I rubbed my forehead and looked up, my eyes found his mesmerizing black pools. His stocky body stood there like a stone. His lips curled into an enigmatic smile, one hand in a pocket while one at the left side. His chin slightly tucked in as he raised a brow at me.

I stared, he blinked. My eyes were lured into the abyss of his dark eyes. In our simple formal school dress that is a white shirt and grey pants. He looked painstakingly Handsome. The white shirt complimented his dark yet soft features. His beautiful short black hair flowed with wind and fell on his eyes. Making my hand itch, for a second I wanted to remove his hair to gaze into his eyes. My hand was midway when someone next to me cleared her throat and I put it back down in shame.

‘God! What’s wrong with me! Why am I getting fascinated by him!’

The person who cleared her throat was Nina. His best friend. She smiled at me and I smiled back after all she had helped me yesterday.


hand for a handshake, grinning at me. Her smile was adorable and I found my lips automatically lifting into a smile. I

friend. Thank you for accepting me. Let’s be friends from today onwards officially.”

closed my eyes and looked at him again, he was something. He even lied to his best friend. He chose to look away, hands

said I would think about it but he told her something else. Of course, he would choose to lie, why did I even expect something other than


said beckoning to me from the gate of

the perpetual believer of getting everything he wanted. I wanted to say that he lied to you,



“Okay. Friends?”

and mumble softly, “yes

of a jerk he was. But she

and puts it in the front pocket of his shirt. It was cute, but will she still believe in their friendship if she came to know he had lied to her. Or it wouldn’t matter to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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