Her FaceBook Friend

Her Facebook Friend By Ifveen Chapter 47

“You will make it soon. Just keep believing in yourself.” [Ifveen]



Her black eyes gleamed in excitement and she nodded hurriedly.

“Yes Really. I don’t know why, but I feel like we are going to rock.”

My forehead creased, as I questioned her sanity in my mind. Why would she think I can rock, I the boring nerd, what could I possibly create that would be rocking. I wanted her to be aware of what kind of person I am. No matter from what kind of foundation our friendship started, what matters now was she should have a clear understanding of what kind of person I was. I cleared my throat and looked at her somewhere in between our interactions. We had ended up sitting on the last bench in the cla**room. While Rohan seemed to be sitting diagonally to our seat in the left corner. “Nina I don’t know why you felt I could be a friend for you. I am very different from you in personality and I can a**ure you that I am not a fun person. To begin with, I have a cage around my heart. I am broken to the point that I don’t know if I even deserve you.” My tone is low so that my cla**mates can’t hear it.

She smiled at me, a kind smile. As she took my hands in hers, caressing them slowly.

“Yes, we are poles apart Jacqueline. But haven’t you heard? Opposite poles pull each other.”

Her fingers paused the caressing motion and she looked up at me. Her eyes filled with warmth that I never saw in someone’s eyes.

“I have never seen someone so brave as you, Jacqueline. Someone who dares to be herself in the world of fake personalities we are living in. I hope you can give me a chance to break that cage around your heart and make you believe in yourself. From today onwards, your grievances are mine to relieve. I hope you find me worthy enough to share your pain.”

I listened to her quietly, waiting for more sentences from her. I have never had someone who could ask me to shoulder my vulnerabilities with her. I didn’t know if she meant what she said, but at that moment I wanted nothing more than to share my sufferings with her. The pain in my heart is a special kind of irony, hammering my inability to accept her tempting offer. I drew my hand back from her and gave her a nervous smile.

“It’s okay you don’t have to rush it, babe. I can wait. I will earn your trust.”


at her straight figure. My feet carefully stepped on the concrete wooden plate of the table to get comfortable. I honestly felt amazing that she would like to

“Good Morning Cla**.”

teacher stood in a blue formal saree of our school with a hand on her hips. Her hair swept up in the form of a

to greet her,

Now Sit

sat down, and murmuring

Nidhi Mam doing here even before the

“Who knows?”

a few minutes, I will tell you why exactly I am here before the a**embly.” She says and smiles but her lips seemed

“Okay, Madam.” Everyone hums.

on their seats then come to me one by one and I will then inform you why I

me away from such a list. After almost 12 cla**mates, my name was announced and I practically wanted to shriek. In all honesty, I was not the dancer type, never been one. So why would she choose me? Since I took extra


It sounded to me as if she has not asked me to stand

grumbled and stood up. My eyebrows

boys. She paired each girl with a boy. Nina was paired with Jaan. How funny. While Tina was paired with the male nerd of our cla**. It was funny. But as the pairing thing continued, I realized what would happen to me too. A heavy feeling weighed down on my chest and it shifted to my stomach. I examined the boys around me that were left. There was Rohan, Anirudh Kaakran, Himanshu Pandit. All in the category of bad boys. Anirudh and Himanshu never bullied me, but they did laugh at me hundreds of

partner is

and my back broke out in a

never do what I ask him to

my name. Nina looked at us grinning and I held my urge to glare

time, management has decided to s***e up things. So this time, you all are going to participate in our Annual Function’s dance compet**ion. Doesn’t

Nidhi’s voice startles me, breaking me from my fearful thoughts back into the reality of real

school was founded on the 15th of September, so in our school every year, our school administration organizes a grand annual function, adding all the elements there are available. Different Dance forms, Drama, Singing, cultural performances, the National anthem is played at the beginning and many more. An esteemed chief guest, who is most of the time a prestigious personality

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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