Hiding His Baby: The Alpha's Rejected Mate

Chapter 65:  Going to be mine 


There’s a big party going on in the biggest hotel in the town. A big celebration was going on there. Everyone was happy because they found their new leader who was truly deserving. They couldn’t be happier. 

Alpha Dominic, Alpha of Crescent Mystery pack is now the alpha of alphas in the north region. He had to fight his way through a lot to get to that position. And truth to be told, no one had any objection about it. All the packs accepted him wholeheartedly as their leader because no one else could lead them the way he would do.

As everyone was busy celebrating and enjoying the moment, she was looking for a way to get into the party hall. She wasn’t invited to the party because rogues weren’t allowed to be in such parties.

But she didn’t care about that. Because she didn’t even want to be a part of any pack to be blinded with rules and rules. She is better off as a rogue. Athena quickly shook her head to come out of the thought and focused on what she was doing. She had come here with a motive and she is not going to get it ruined.

She sneakily climbed up the pipe and got inside the second floor of the hotel through the open window of the hallway. Loud music was playing downstairs but thankfully things were a little quieter here.

Now all she has to do is go through each room of the pack members and look for some cash or valuable jewellery. Take them and run away. As simple as that!

She knew the risk she was going through at that moment, it was as risky as playing with fire. Because the party was not of some usual Alpha‘s. It was of Alpha Dominic..

She has heard a lot about him. The things were cold, heartless, rude, dangerous and blah blah blah. There wasn’t one good thing which she heard about him. Hence she was afraid of getting caught there because she knew it won’t end up well for her.

“Shh, Athena! Focus! You can’t get distracted by such-…” She suddenly stopped talking in the middle as she closed her eyes with a deep frown. 

“What is this scent?” She breathed out as she took a big sniff of the scent around her which was enough to make her go breathless. A scent of musky after rain along with fresh lemon filled her nostrils, making her and her wolf go crazy. It was making her feel out of the world at that moment.

But she was soon pulled back into the world when the scent kept getting stronger every passing second and it made her nervous. She knew what was happening to her and she knew waiting there any longer would get her caught for sure. But she couldn’t move from her place. She kept standing there to get caught and eventually get destroyed. She couldn’t explain the feeling.

the darkness ahead, she knew standing there any longer would be nothing

howling wolf at the back of her mind. She can’t get caught for such THING. She quickly turned back toward the open window, preparing herself to jump. She didn’t care if she would be seriously injured after this, her wolf had this power to get healed in a blink of an eye. So, it wasn’t the main reason for her worry. It was the scent and dangerous growl which kept advancing her faster than ever. She quickly turned around, ready to jump off the window again but


powerful and husky voice, halting her on her steps. The scent was stronger than ever which is why she was getting controlled by that voice so easily. She suddenly felt a pull on her right wrist and within a blink of an eye she was twirled around and was pressed against the wall. Her breath hitched and got quickened at the same time. And she knew it was the same for him because his hot breath was fanning her face harshly. With a crazily beating heart, she slowly raised her eyes to look at the person in front of her

cut the glass. His eyes, his shaddy grey eyes were looking deep into her soul. He was wearing a black shirt which was open from up, giving her a nice view of his shiny shaved strong chest.

face was red. He was sweating too much in the cool weather as well. Most importantly, he didn‘t

such strong emotions for a man whom she just

burned her. Because along with the sparks from the bond, his hands were really hot. She quickly touched his face

in a fever. You have a really high temperature. You should go to the doctor!” She exclaimed in worry while pulling her hand away from him immediately but she wasn’t successful in doing that. He caught her hand in the middle

ragged breath before starting to drag her hand down to his neck from face, making her touch him. He started to drag her hand lower slowly. Her hand was inside

hard six pack. She was too shocked to move or pull her hands

doing?” She voiced out with a lot of difficulty because with what was happening, she felt difficulty

bu… burning… Help me… Only you can do it…” He let out a groan before howling

even cause disaster if they don’t have their mate with them only who can help them and calm them down. It was truly amazing seeing him having so much self control in such

and she felt proud of him. At that moment, she knew she was completely ready to surrender to him. She

How naive she was!

blush creeping up her face. That was enough for him to know her constant and he slammed his

eyes to get lost in the moment. She wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him closer

simple grunt when she felt the door behind her swing open. She didn’t even realise there was a door behind her until now and she didn’t even realise when he managed to

pressed his lips back on her. His kisses were filled with urgency as he placed heated kisses on her neck, her only response being pleasured moans as she closed her eyes in true bliss. She has never felt like this in her life ever before. She felt out of the world as her mate was the first one to make her feel like that and hopefully

and she instantly threw her head back, the feeling of his hard member

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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