The next morning was supposed to be the best morning of Athena‘s life, but she never thought it was going to turn out to be the worst day of her life.

She woke up with a loud threatening growl instead of sweet peppering kisses on her face.

The sweet dream broke way too fast than ever which she wasn‘t expecting at all and she was pushed into the dark pit of darkness when her sleep broke and she opened her eyes.


Alpha Dominic‘s furious growl woke her up and even scared her a little bit.

She quickly sat up on the bed and looked at him with a little surprise.She still wasn’t out of the fairy tale she lived in yesterday night.She looked at him with a shy smile while pulling the bed sheet over her body to cover her body and all the live bite he had given her all night.

"Alpha Dominic..."

She lazily mumbled his name while looking down.She was too shy to look him in the eyes.

Maybe that was why she failed to notice the visible anger and disgust in his eyes.

"Are you confused about what happened here? You might be because you were in your heat when we met each other.I am your mate.You are my mate.And you mated me last night only.Just marking left."

She shyly kept talking, without noticing.

The blabbering came from the overly happy and nervousness.She didn’t know what she was talking about.

It all seems like a dream to her still so she wasted a little more time and dreamt further about their future.

any longer but held it in and looked at her like she was some dirt and

"Mark you? You??"

with a roll of her eyes,

again.She felt shy under his gaze and on top

mark?" She

But Dominic had enough.

couldn‘t put up with her act

so much! ‘Mate! Our mate! She is not pathetic

for control but Dominic had great control over him and didn‘t waver for a second as he snapped at

we are never going to support or be

growled back before looking back at her, "You are disgusting!

once again,

her face as she was quick enough to notice the turn off of the

"Wh…what do you mean?"

of reaction and giving her everything to him.Her heart skipped a beat as she looked at him with fearful eyes.Her life flipped

was the best night of her life and she was afraid that it was going to

a lot in her life and she thought it was going to be her escape from hell but it

was afraid of happens, she was going to break down

loves us.He won’t do anything

Athena didn’t let her words get on her head as

to be with me in this.I need you to

a helpless look.She was feeling like the

you ask me that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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