Chapter 157 Do You Truly Not Remember Me

The physics teacher seemed somewhat taken aback. “Me?”


“Sure, but I’m not sure what you’d like to talk about”

Lysander glanced in the direction of the convenience store. Cram school had just ended, and many students were inside buying things. Michelle was still stuck inside and wouldn’t be able to get out so soon.

“Let’s cut to the chase,” Lysander said. “A married man with a child should be responsible for his wife and kid. He shouldn’t take advantage of his age and experience to manipulate an underage girl, potentially jeopardizing her future. Wouldn’t you agree?”

The man wore a look of surprise, but it quickly gave way to a knowing smile.

“Are you Michelle’s family?”

“I am her sister, her biological sister.”

The man nodded in acknowledgment. “Hello, my name is Zachary Powell.”

“Hello, Mr. Powell.”

to find the situation somewhat amusing, yet absurd. “All right, I can accept being

speaking, Michelle

your water! It’s


in front of her, pouting playfully.

an adult now, yet you’re still acting like

affectionately. “Lysander, my dear sister, why have you

home. Mom has prepared a lot of delicious food. Say goodbye

Zachary, then back to Lysander,

address, Lysander

calling him by

her brows and chastised,

doesn’t teach

doesn’t? Isn’t he the physics teacher from the cram school? What

softly. “Lysander, do you truly not remember


Do You Truly

her brain, searching for anyone with the name Zachary

remember anything and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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