Chapter 158 The Romance Between Young Boys And Girls.

“I’m sorry, Zachary.”

Zachary adjusted his black–framed glasses, demonstrating magnanimity as he said, “It’s okay. We haven’t been in touch for so many years. It’s no wonder you don’t remember me.”

Lysander chuckled awkwardly. “Where are you working now?”

“I’m working in an architectural design company in Harborbrook.”

“That sounds great.”

“Well, those of us in construction have to work on–site. It’s exhausting.”


No wonder he’s holding a set square. It seems there are also a few other professional measuring instruments in his hands. although they’re quite small I was too preoccupied with worrying about Michelle to notice.

Pleasantries aside, Lysander had another matter weighing on her mind–Michelle and the physics teacher.

As if seeing right through her thoughts, Zachary took the initiative and suggested, “It’s still a bit early for dinner. Shall we find a place to sit for a while?”

Lysander raised an eyebrow. Does he know what’s going on?


Michelle gently tugged at her sleeve..

Lysander turned around, only to see Michelle blushing with her head lowered.

“What’s wrong?”

me introduce

hand, pointing toward a spot

bag, was pushing a bicycle with one hand. In his other hand, he was casually bouncing a basketball.

what do you

nodded. “He

of our

realization. She folded her arms and smiled at Michelle.

long story… I need to go and talk to

she didn’t even wait for Lysander’s approval before

Between Young Boys And

other classmates had left, leaving him alone, standing by the roadside with his bicycle. Seeing Michelle running toward

of the

Michelle’s backpack and slung it

boys and girls is quite

back to reality, Lysander noticed that Zachary was also looking at the young

far better than she

he wasn’t a

should move a bit further away.

also noticed

her direction, saying something to

as straight as if he had just

gave a

both embarrassed

at her and

which Michelle instantly understood

this a secret code between

I asked her to call me once

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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