Chapter 159 He Is Not Josiah

In her rather remote hometown, the sight of a Cayenne was extremely rare.

Upon taking a look, Lysander immediately withdrew her


“Should we call the police?” Zachary asked.

Lysander shook her head. “This area is pretty bustling. It could just be a coincidence that we’re on the same route. They might not be following me.”

Zachary gave a somewhat relieved chuckle. “I was just a bit worried that it might be a troublemaker from the hospital.”

“Nah, I’ve always had a pretty good relationship with my pregnant patients.”

Zachary finally relaxed and continued to talk to her about Michelle. “Michelle is about to take her college entrance exams. She mentioned to me today that she wants to go to university in Apex City with that boy.”

After some thought, Lysander said, “All right, I understand the situation now. I’ll have a word with Michelle later.”

“That boy is actually quite decent. When it comes to studying, sometimes it’s about natural talent. Even though he’s just average academically, he excels in sports. It’s also quite an achievement if he manages to secure a place in a top–tier physical education university. After graduation, becoming a sports teacher wouldn’t be such a bad thing.”

Lysander chuckled. “Zachary, so you approve of Michelle being with that be?”

Chapter 159 He Is Not Josiah

“Well, you see, Michelle isn’t my biological sister, so whether I approve or disapprove doesn’t really matter. I simply admire him for his courage. If I had possessed such bravery at his age..

He tilted his head back and downed a cup of bitter coffee in one

and losses.

have you

“What’s there to regret?”

a pure and innocent love

Lysander did not respond.

regret it.” Zachary gave a bitter smile. “But it seems like regret doesn’t do much good now.”

door of the café was open as someone

of the waitress standing by the bar rang out. “Welcome, may


hold on for

stood up. “Zachary,

ring?” Zachary asked with a hint of

time we head home. I mean, dating is one thing, but we can’t

a smile. “All


his pace to get ahead of her and courteously held the door of the

politely, “Thank you,

“Let’s go.”

Cayenne was parked

small towns was evident. The surrounding infrastructure was rather outdated. Even bustling

only park by the roadside. Its imposing appearance quickly

cast a glance inside, finding it completely devoid of

work now, and the area is filled with

you and Michelle home.”

Sure enough, the queue for Uber bookings


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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