Chapter 174 As Siblings.

Laura comforted her, “The capable ones often have to work the hardest. It’s a sign that the leadership values. Zach highly.”

“Oh, I hope that’s the case, but I won’t hide it from you, Laura. You understand how it is with state–owned enterprises, where seniority rules. It sounds prestigious when you talk about it, but in reality, it’s not much. easier than private companies. The only benefits are a decent salary and job stability. Otherwise, it can be quite tough.”

“The job is steady and the pay is decent, which is already quite good. Zach has always been outstanding since he was a child. He’s still young now, so once he gradually gains more experience, life will get better in the future.”

Camila held Laura’s hand, their bond as close as sisters. “You’re right. I don’t expect him to reach high heights. As mothers, all we really wish for is our children to lead safe and peaceful lives, don’t you agree?”

Laura understood her meaning all too well, yet her smile was somewhat forced. “I get what you’re saying. but… we should take the children’s feelings into account when it comes to this kind of matter.”

“I know. I’m just keeping you in the loop. As long as you have no objections, we can let things unfold naturally. If things work out, that would be great. If not, they can simply continue as siblings. Either way, things between us will remain as they always have been.”

Upon hearing these words, Laura finally felt a sense of relief.

truly startled

Maverick who spoke up. “It is indeed unexpected. Zach never

always been a reserved person.

Lysander is such an independent spirit, always striving on her own in her studies and career. He was afraid that speaking up might disturb her, so he kept it all to himself, thinking there would be another chance in

was brought up, Maverick’s brows would furrow deeply. “Yes, I shouldn’t have

distinguished family, even the CEO of a company. Upon hearing this, Zachary gave up

never been impressed by these listed companies. No matter how large a company is, what does it really matter? When it comes to a couple’s life, it’s better if both are on the same level. It allows them to support and take care of each

celebrities marrying into wealthy families and not having the best

this would be Lysander’s second marriage, whereas it

The Charming Ex–Wife

Mrs. Thorne, what were you all chatting

a light smack. “Where on earth did you disappear to? Lysander is already back. You to find her but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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