Chapter 175 Still The Same

Lysander was characteristically unfazed by the situation.

Conversely, Zachary found himself in quite a predicament; his trousers were not only soaked through but also torn. Clearly, he was in no position to remain in such a state for any extended period.

The modest birthday celebration had reached its conclusion after they had enjoyed their meal and cake.

Exiting the Hestryan cuisine restaurant, it was evident from Laura’s expression that she was preoccupied with

numerous concerns.

Both of her daughters had posed significant challenges that day. The older one had faced complications involving her ex–husband and some relatives who were keen on arranging a marriage for her, while the whereabouts of the younger daughter remained a mystery, as she had vanished without leaving any clues.

As they prepared to leave, Zachary, driving a modestly sized sedan, generously offered, “Mr. and Mrs. Thorne, please allow me to drive you home first.”

Although his car was not a large SUV like a Cayenne, it had ample space to accommodate everyone comfortably in one trip.

Moreover, the guest of honor for the day was none other than Camila, his own mother. It would have been unreasonable to expect her to leave her duties to escort a few guests home.

hand dismissively, “Zach, you and the


Still The

a nod, “Yes, go ahead.

gaze conveying a silent inquiry. What should we

to have been swept up in the throes of romance, so much so that she wasn’t even answering her phone. It appeared highly unlikely that she would return any time soon, and it seemed unfair to expect her parents

you head home first?

his eyes wide with anger, lamented, “Once a girl grows up, she just won’t stay put. I bet she’s

issues becoming public, quickly grabbed his

Maverick continued, somewhat calmed by the interruption but still speaking rather freely. “I’d rather she got involved with Zach than

“What are you rambling about? With the way she acts, it’s not even certain that Zach would

and resigned, declared, “Forget it. I don’t care anymore. I’m taking the bus back. Let her do whatever

was ready

lose your temper now? You’re

we’ll all be family one day. What’s the big deal about a few jokes? I’ll join you on the

is your birthday, and it was already an imposition having Zach pick us up this morning. We really can’t impose on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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