Chapter 210 You Are Beautiful

Lysander hadn’t been to Harborbrook University.

Zachary brought her to scroll around the campus. It was autumn, and the ground was covered with yellow leaves. The university did not arrange for anyone to clean up, allowing the fallen leaves to form a golden. path. It became a popular spot

Along the way, they encountered many people coming here to take pictures.

The girl at the basketball court had caused such a ruckus that Zachary had become the focus of attention. As he was not quite accustomed to this feeling of being in the spotlight, he greeted his friends, changed his clothes, and left with Lysander.

Zachary asked, “Lysander, how about I take a picture of too?”


Lysander shook her head. “It’s okay. I don’t really like taking pictures.”

“Just one. Do it for me, all right?”

Lysander looked at his clear and hopeful eyes and nodded. She couldn’t bear to refuse him.

Zachary was overjoyed. He quickly went to find a student nearby, handed her his phone, and then swiftly. ran back to Lysander’s side, standing still

looked like a photography expert, constantly adjusting angles and poses. Finally, she found a position with very good lighting. “Ready?

body in her direction.

are you afraid of? She doesn’t have

awkwardly explained to Lysander, “I didn’t like taking photos either. I

neither of us should laugh at the

her, half of his body hidden behind her. He looked as if he was about to encircle her in

shouted, “Your

was puzzled. “What’s wrong

posing with your hands behind your back when you’re still so


let them hang naturally?”

a few steps forward, grabbed his wrist, and placed it on

Balance. 840

You Are Beautiful

his shoulder and said, “This

and he barely caught his phone.

more embarrassed

first. “How did the picture turn out? Let me have

“Oh, the picture.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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