Chapter 211 My Determination

This time, it was Lysander’s turn to be embarrassed.

“Did I scare you?”

“No, it’s just probably because I’ve never been in love before. This is the first time I’ve heard such sweet words. I’m a bit slow to react.”

“Then I’ll go online and look for those quotes that make girls happy, learn more, and tell you more in the


“No! Don’t!” Lysander hurriedly interrupted him. “I don’t have a romantic bone in my body. It gives me goosebumps when I hear it.”

Zachary chuckled. “Actually, me too.”

Lysander finally couldn’t help it and broke into a slight smile.

“Lysander, I’m not very eloquent, and I don’t know how to say sweet words to make you happy, but I have already made plans. After working for a few years, I’ve saved some money, and I’m planning to buy a house in Acalux Residence. My savings are enough for the down payment, and the housing provident fund can cover the monthly payment. By the end of the year, when I get my annual bonus, I’ll have the

for renovation. Although I’m not a wealthy man, I will work hard to earn money and support the family. But…”


“But what?”

but I have already made a reservation. The property consultant has urged me to submit documents and sign the

Are we going this afternoon? Or…”

a bit inappropriate, but… I

week was

not require her to see patients every day. Her consultation hours were only on Monday mornings, and the rest of the time

and in the afternoon, she took a half–day leave from the hospital to go to the sales department of


uniform, standing at the

taxi, he hurriedly went to meet her. “Did you bring all the documents?”

nodded. “I did.”

was a bit happy. “Your parents


792 +

1 Coin

1 Pearls

3 Jun


did she expect Michelle to be such

didn’t want to stay with Maverick and Laura, so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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