Chapter 240 1 Will Kill You

Even though he said that, everyone could tell he wasn’t in a good mood as he was smashing his cutlery and glass.

This meal was destined to be tasteless.

Josiah stood up and said. “Mr. Reyes, I need to discuss this cooperation with the board of directors. We can’t confirm partneringwith your architectural design company yet. I’ll have my secretary contact you once we have news from the board. I have other matters to attend to, so I’ll leave now,”

Maxim was a bit puzzled. “Huh? Mr. Guerra, what do you mean? We were getting along fine before, why the sudden change?”

Lysanne stood up abruptly and followed. “Josiah, wait for me…”

But Josiah didn’t wait for her at all. He strode to the door of the private room.

As he opened the door, a person stumbled in from outside.

A strong smell of alcohol hit them, mixed with the nauseating stench of vomit.

The person still held half a bottle of alcohol, swaying with drunkenness. As soon as he saw Josiah, he laughed and tried to hook his shoulder, “Hey, Reuben, let’s continue drinking! Today, I must get you drunk! Hey…. What are you doing!”

Josiah forcefully pushed him away, furrowed his brows, and looked at his own hand.

him a tissue from her


didn’t take it. He let the sleeve that the drunkard had touched hang by his side, slightly away from his

nodded quickly. “I’ll go get someone right away!”


also got angry and propped himself up against the wall, his face flushed.

he caught sight

wore a light beige woollen coat, sitting gracefully and beautifully.

you summoned? She’s pretty good- looking. What’s her name? Come,

only felt a strong smell of alcohol rushing toward her.

a step back, barely managing to

had just sat on was knocked over by the drunkard, making a harsh scraping

Will Kill

a laugh. “Lady, you’re quite shy. Don’t be shy. Aren’t all of you in this line pretty good at playing hard to get? Serve me well, and you’ll

moved closer to Lysander

since hidden in the corner with his pregnant

original spot, watching her being targeted by the drunk man. He

he couldn’t comprehend these words. His eyes were fixed on the beauty in front of him as he approached her. “Lady, don’t hide from me. See this bottle in my hand? If you can drink it all in one go. I’ll give you five

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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