Chapter 241 Does It Smell Good

Josiah was for real.

A winding trail of blood suddenly appeared on the drunkard’s neck.

Remi, hiding in the corner, turned pale with fright. “My God! There’s blood!”

Lysanne and a few waiters quickly rushed over.

“Josiah, calm down. Someone could get hurt!”

The waiters were also scared out of their wits. The men desperately tried to rescue the drunkard from Josiah’s grasp, while the girls had already run out to call the manager.

“Murder! Murder!” The drunkard woke up at this time, screaming in pain while struggling.

Lysanne tried to unclench Josiah’s fist, but he forcefully shook her off. “Get lost!”

“Josiah…” Lysanne fell to the ground. “Josiah!”

wine bottle to one side, grabbed the drunkard by the collar, and hoisted him up from the ground into mid–air,


only keep begging Josiah, “Please, I was

stop. Ahh!”

window was pushed open, and the drunkard was forced to lean out

was a lake.

deep, the water had already become bone–chillingly cold. Falling in wouldn’t kill him, but he couldn’t

half a meter, his hair almost touching the water surface. His hands were swinging wildly in the air as if trying to grasp

so scared that his nose started to run and his eyes filled with tears. “Spare

with one hand, occasionally loosening his grip. The drunkard’s face was mostly submerged in the water, with bubbles. gurgling on the surface.

to have timed it

the drunkard suffocated, Josiah would lift

wet that it was


does it smell

drunkard shuddered in fright and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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